Why Donald Trump Should Be President
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Why Donald Trump Should Be President

He is not the president we need but he is the one we deserve.

Why Donald Trump Should Be President
US Weekly

Donald Trump is exactly what America has been waiting for. While on the surface he may seem like a racist, sexist, egotistical megalomaniac; that is exactly what America wants. Donald Trump is not the hero we need but the one we deserve because our American culture has been poisoned by everything that Trump stands for.

Trump did not win the primaries because he was the best candidate; he won because he was the loudest. The world's attention span has decreased steadily with each jump in wave of technology. It first started when television became common and then again when satellite and cable packages with 500+ channels became common. Television decreases brain activity when compared to other tasks like playing games, reading, or socializing. With the advent of the internet with Netflix and YouTube, there is now unlimited access to our favorite mind-numbing programs. When we actually have to use our brains to think about something critically for longer than 20 minutes, it makes us feel like we are back in school taking a test. That is no fun; we need something spontaneous or hilarious. Nobody wants to sit through hours of John Kasich's or Ted Cruz's policies on healthcare or economics. We want "BUILD THE WALL!" or "LOCK HER UP!" Trump's biggest issues are the same that appeal to the least common denominator in terms of attention span.

Trump feeds off America's unresolved hate. When the candidate the Republican Party chooses to represent them insults people like Captain Humayun Khan or Senator John McCain for being a foreign born Muslim or a prison of war, there is something seriously wrong with our country. Trump has stated in the past that he witnessed swarms of Muslims celebrating during 9/11 despite nearly everyone else in New York that day falsifying that statement. Why would Trump say something like that if it was not true? Perhaps it was to feed off the anger that so many Americans have for the Middle East after that day. Maybe he said it to promote his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the United States. By definition, that means that he is spreading racist propaganda. Trump, like many conservatives, is skeptical about the severity of police brutality against minorities. That does not make him racist but it helps to further divide our country without solving any of its problems. This evident by America's backlash towards Colin Kaepernick's protest. Peaceful protest is a right guaranteed in the Constitution. You may not agree with Kaepernick's politics but there should not be any personal attacks or claims that he should be forced to stand for the anthem. There were though because racial tensions are super high and the "us vs. them" mentality continues to increase with the different ethnic groups. Since that is how we act as a country, it is only fitting that we would have a president who acts the same way. The endorsement by former Klu Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke and Trump's reluctance to disavow him are only the icing on the cake that is the hatred of Trump's policies.

The anger and dumbing down of America has allowed Trump to flourish into the either the first or second most desired person to lead our country. Our politicians are a reflection of ourselves. Trump should be president if this is really how we want America to be.

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