After watching the kids’ movie, "Zootopia," I was completely amazed at how perfectly this film captures many of our social issues in the United States. It encourages us to embrace diversity, rather than fear those who are different from us. This film explores biases, stereotypes, race, and political power all in a fun, heart-warming, animated movie.
When the credits scrolled across my screen after watching this film for the first time, I could only think one thing: "Donald Trump needs to watch this movie."
From Trump's ridiculous proclamation to build a so-called "great" wall between Mexico and the U.S., to his offensive nicknames — women referred to as "bimbos," immigrants as "rapists," — Trump has shown us that he has a knack for being outright offensive and bigoted. It is people like Trump that "Zootopia" warns us against by fully exposing their danger in our society.
"Zootopia" has inspired me to write an open letter to the presidential candidate with a list of reasons to encourage him to watch the film:
Dear Donald Trump,
This is a request for you to take time out of your busy schedule to watch the film "Zootopia."
This is more than just a children's movie, and to prove it to you, I compiled a list of all the reasons you should put your feet up and watch this film in its entirety. I cannot stress how truthful this film is about our society, and I hope you look below the surface and see past your own judgment and opinions.
1.You will fully understand the power you have, and how your comments and actions will impact the public.
Officer Hops shows us that those who are leaders are looked to for protection and therefore have an immense amount of power.
By saying ignorant things and making false accusations about groups of people, it is easy to breed fear and chaos. In "Zootopia," Officer Hops accidentally causes Zootopia to go into complete turmoil after falsely telling the community that predators should be feared because they are biologically different and the only animals going savage.
In your political race, you have pointed fingers at Muslims, Mexicans and other immigrants/minorities rather than telling us how to solve the problems in our country. By pointing fingers at groups of people, you are only dividing us all and creating binaries.
2.You will fully understand the ingrained prejudices in our society and the effects of racism/prejudice/discrimination.
Officer Hops also shows us that racial profiling hurts many innocent people. Her comment to the public about all predators going savage hurts many innocent animals and her close friend, Nick.
3. This movie will give you a lens into the life, feelings, and opinions of many people in the American public who do not support your campaign.
Nick gives insight to the effects of being discriminated, judged and hurt by racism. He opens up to Judy, saying “that if the world's only going to see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in being anything else.” Do you really want the American people to believe they are less successful and less important just because they are different? Is that really how we are going to make America "great again"?
4. You will have a deeper understanding of stereotyping.
Judy and Nick remind us how frustrating it can be to be put into a group, cliché, or stereotype. For example, Judy hates being called “cute” just because she’s a rabbit.
Judy and Nick, like many people in the U.S., are labeled and struggle to be seen as people with emotions, feelings, beliefs, and different experiences. When you publicly call immigrants "rapists" and drug lords, women as "pieces of ass", African Americans as "lazy" as the potential future president of the United States, you are condemning, belittling, and isolating American citizens based on inaccurate, offensive stereotypes. Your job as president is to bring the American people together and FIGHT the labels and stereotypes that divide us, not support them.
5. You will realize the consequences of spreading hatred and prejudice.
Bellwether represents political scandal as she plans to promote fear of the city’s predators (10 percent of the population) in order to move to a position with greater power. She creates complete chaos in Zootopia for personal gain.
Are you trying to help the American people? Or, like Bellwether, are you only in the presidential race to bathe in the light of fame and power?
6. You will hopefully learn to celebrate our uniqueness, rather than condemning women and minorities.
This film shows us that diversity is beautiful and reminds us to embrace our differences.
The United States is a place I want to be proud of, and your campaign has only made me ashamed and embarrassed for our country. I want to be proud to be an American, to be from a country that is honored to be so diverse.
Judy sums it up perfectly: "...the more we try to understand one another, the more exceptional each of us will be. But we have to try. So no matter what kind of person you are, I implore you: Try. Try to make the world a better place. Look inside yourself and recognize that change starts with you."
Don't just watch Zootopia, Mr. Trump. Learn from it, and you just might become a better man who is worthy of being President of the United States.
Yours Truly,
A Hopeful Citizen