A famous quote reads, " dogs are a man's best friend." This quote couldn't be more true! So here are three reasons why dogs are definitely better than humans.
1. When life gets "ruff" they are always there.
First off, you see what I did there? Secondly, in my twenty years of life, I have never met a dog that has left my side when times were tough. In fact, it's as if dogs know when life is breaking you down. They always tend to make the days better either by licking your face or cuddling up to you. Dogs just know!
2. They teach you responsibility.
Dogs are a HANDFUL. You have to feed them and water them. You have to clean up any mess they make (number one or number two.) Basically it's like taking care of a toddler 24/7. It's a challenge some days but in the end, you wouldn't change it because they are your fur babies.
3. They never hurt your feelings.
Whereas friends come and go, dogs are always there. Luckily dogs don't care what you look like or what mistakes you have made. All they care about is which ball you're going to choose for playtime or getting that amazing belly rub. If dogs can tell you're angry at them for chewing something up or what not, they really do feel bad. Dogs never hold grudges!
All in all, dogs are better than humans. The only bad things about dogs is that they don't live as long as humans so we outlive them. If you're a cat person, that's great but you can't deny that dogs are more lovable. Nothing is better then wet nose kisses! So here's to all my dogs out there, thank you for all that you animals do!