In this world, we look at other people and wish so much to be like them. We are never fully satisfied with ourselves because we aren’t as pretty as that one or as skinny as that one or as rich as that one. We always want more; we desire perfection instead of satisfaction. We dream big but are never content with exactly where we are placed at this moment. We don’t appreciate what we have right now because we are so busy focusing our eyes ahead and trying to change.
Once upon a time, there was a Giant. He was very tall, big, and strong looking, but he was also very friendly. Everyone enjoyed being around the Giant because he made people laugh and could always support those around him. Sometimes, though, when the Giant walked around, he had to be careful and watch where he stepped. It was very easy for the Giant to crush things around him, without even intending to do that. But everyone around him understood; the Giant just couldn't help doing some of the things that he did. He was still a friendly guy with a heart even bigger than his physical size.
But every night, the Giant would go to his larger than normal house, take off his larger than normal shoes, and lay down in his larger than normal bed. He would cry himself to sleep because he was very, very unhappy. The thing is, the Giant didn’t like being larger than anyone else, because his size was different than everyone around him. He stood out; he wasn’t the same. So every night he would wish and pray that the next day he would wake up smaller so that he could be just like everyone else.
Why did the Giant wish such a thing? Isn’t it so cool that he could pick people up so they can reach the clouds, and that he was so easy to spot? Aren't these unique things what make him so cool? For some reason, the Giant was trying to diminish his one-of-a-kind characteristics and be just like everyone else. The Giant wished he was small because he wants to fit in, not stand out.
Instead of celebrating diversity, we try to cover it up. Instead of glorifying different, we make it a taboo. All the models in the magazines look the same, all the actors in Hollywood look the same, we try to dress with the latest trends so we can fit in and buy the latest iPhone so we aren't seen as a social outcast. When was the last time we did something truly for ourselves? When was the last time we went shopping and bought an outfit that we genuinely liked, not one that was featured as the most popular look? Why don’t we cut our hair in wild styles and listen to the music we truly like and work out because it makes us happy, not because we are trying to fit in?
Oh wait, some people do just that. But those people are seen as weird, odd, different, sometimes even as much as a loser. Why? How is that fair? Who has the right to decide that any of these crazy traits are different and put a negative connotation on it? Why do we hide the qualities that made us stand out? How about this, what if the peacock hid his feathers because he was surrounded by flamingoes? What if the Pilgrims hadn’t gotten on the Mayflower and come to a different country? What if your mother never talked to your father because he had glasses and that was seen as weird?
In a world where everyone is given a different light, why do we spend too much time trying to electrocute ourselves putting it out instead of letting it shine on its own? How boring society would be if everyone looked exactly the same, thought exactly the same, spoke exactly the same and believed exactly the same things? We would stay put, we would never advance and grow and experience and learn. We are all made different because that is how we are meant to be. There is nothing that any of us can do to change our face or our talents or that funny little snort that sneaks out when we laugh too hard. And there is nothing the Giant can do to make himself shrink.
Step back and look in the mirror, smile, and count to ten. Truly look at what makes you, you. Admire your freckles or the little pudge at the bottom of your stomach or the way your bangs curl when you start to sweat or how you’ll probably never be able to walk up a flight of stairs without tripping because you’re just so clumsy. Laugh and be thankful because there is not a single person in this world who is exactly the same as you. How wonderful a thought that in a world so big and vast and beautiful, you were placed here. You are necessary. You have something inside of you that is meant to contribute to this world so big and vast and beautiful. Don’t wish away your quirks and personality because there is no other gene combination quite like yours. Embrace different, welcome different, worship different. And if you ever meet the Giant, tell him he should never wish he was small, because society will judge either way. And either way, they’re wrong. He is breathtaking, and so are you.