Imagine concealing a major part of your life from the world. A part of your life that has shaped the way you think and behave. A part of your life that is so important that you might even consider it foundational to every part of your life. It sounds ridiculous and impossible, right? The fact of the matter is if you're one of approximately 76 percent of Americans who consider themselves religious, this very well may be the case.
While some people are very comfortable sharing their spiritual lives and beliefs with others, I think we can all agree that many of us tend to be reserved about our faith. I know that I am. It's a commonly accepted and unspoken rule that religion is simply not something we talk about. And my question for you is: why? Why is something so important in our lives something we talk about so little? Is it because it is considered 'uncool'? Maybe it's because we are afraid of being judged or persecuted? Or perhaps we're afraid to start an argument?
I think we all know at least one person who has been deemed uncool because of their religious fervor. On a daily basis, we hear reports of people being discriminated against and persecuted for their beliefs. And, if you're searching for a religious argument, look no further than Facebook and the comment section on Youtube. So yes, all of these reasons make sense at first sight, but if you take a closer look, perhaps they aren't as grounded as they seem. While religious persecution is a real problem, I don't think that keeping silent about your beliefs is going to help any. If anything, it will only make the persecution of people who believe differently more commonly accepted. In order to create a supportive, tolerant, and accepting community we have to take a step towards being more open, both about our own beliefs and towards others.
Have you ever thought about it this way? Three-quarters of the people around you are probably religious to some extent, but when was the last time you actually brought up anything remotely related to your faiths? Chances are, they are just as afraid to bring up their spiritual lives as you are. If it is supposedly weird or uncool to be religious, that would make the majority of the people in this country weird and uncool, and I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. So what's stopping you from talking about God or Buddha or whatever or whomever you believe in?
If the fear of starting a fight is keeping you from creating an open dialogue about the things most important to you, remember this: people are much less like to be rude and judgmental when they're speaking with another person face to face. The unempathetic behavior we witness on social media usually diminishes when we speak to someone in person, and they acknowledge that we are more than a username with an opposing opinion.
In an age where most online religious discussions end in arguments and threats, we need more than ever to open up about our faith and be open to people of other faiths. I'm not saying that we need to go around trying to convert people or giving them religious info dumps. I believe that it's important to have a basic understanding of other religions so that we can be more empathetic and respectful of people who are different and better understand where they are coming from. I believe that ending the cycle of hate and fear starts with doing away with ignorance. So step outside of your comfort zone and ask someone a question about what they believe. You might learn something new, and you'll take the world one step closer to being a more respectful and peaceful place.