I often get these questions:
"Why do you run?"
"How do you find that fun?"
"Do you really like the feeling of dying?"
When I run, I'm not focused on the negative aspects of it, I'm focused on the positives. There are so many good things that come out of running - not all being physical. I understand that it is hard to see those positives when you are someone who does not typically run, but if you do then you'll probably relate to most of these points.
Running builds you up physically. This is the obvious point seeing that running is one of the best cardio exercises that a person can do. It's one of those things that the more you do it, the easier it gets. Even when you're not running you'll find that you don't get as tired doing everyday activities. It gives you a feeling of being unstoppable because you know that you've pushed your body past its limits and survived. I use this idea every day in my life - I've pushed myself past my limits in one aspect, so why can't I do that in every aspect of my life?
It can be quality bonding time with friends, or quality personal time alone. Running with friends is always fun because you have someone to talk to, someone to take you different places, and someone to push you further every step of the way. While running with other people is always fun, I mostly enjoy running alone. This is quality time that I can focus on myself and my own thoughts. I have learned so much about myself while running and need this time to separate myself from the world.
You feel so good afterwards. Endorphins are my favorite! If this isn't a good reason to run then I'm not sure what is. Your body rewards you every time you finish running, no matter how hard the run was. It can help give you a positive mindset and can most definitely take away any stress. You feel healthier, happier, and overall much more optimistic.
It changes the way you view the world. This one might just be for me, but I truly feel that when I started running, I started looking at my life differently. It was my escape from my problems and a way for me to find myself. I appreciate other runners more because I know how hard it is to push yourself as far as they do.
Like I stated at the beginning, most people look at the negatives of running. I look at the positives of running because running has changed my life 100% in a positive way. So for the people who ask "why do you run?" - these are only a few reasons why I make time every day to run.