About Love You Absolutely Need To Read Right Now
It's happened to the best of us: we've all wondered at some point what makes us so lovable. It's one thing for our parents; we feel like they have to love us like it's ingrained in even the worst of parents. But what makes someone love us who never knew us before that fateful day we met? And if it's so easy for them to fall in love with us, couldn't it be just as easy for them to stop loving us, too?
Sometimes it's not even our self-esteem that's the issue. Maybe we've just been with our partners too long, and telling them that we love them just feels hollow. It's been said so many times over the years, that we look for different ways to express it. One of the best ways to do this is to give them a short list of the reasons why we love them.
Another good time to bring up a list of reasons for loving someone is to pick them up after they've had a hard day. No matter what we're going through, hearing the reasons why we're loved and what makes us good people is always a surefire picker-upper.
If you'd love to tell your partner "what I love about you is," but you can't find the words, perhaps some of the following examples may be able to help you out.
 How They Treat Others
You may say to your friends "one of the reasons why I love him is because he is so respectful of other people's feelings." This is a great thing to pass on to your partner! It shows him that not only do you pay attention to how he treats other people besides yourself but that you also appreciate and respect his manner of doing so.
Maybe you like how he helps your mom bring in her groceries when you're visiting so that she doesn't have to do the heavy lifting. Or maybe you got the warm and fuzzies watching him help your little brother out with his homework. Telling him these things that you love about him can strengthen your relationship as well as his self-esteem. On those days when he may not be feeling so great, a reminder like this can encourage him to think better of himself because he truly is a good person.
 That Laugh
Does your partner's laugh never fail to crack you up, too? Especially when they get super giggly - or better when they laugh so hard that no sound comes out? If your partner's laugh has picked you up on even your worst days, then this is a great thing to share with your partner. Maybe remind them of something funny you guys went through so you can hear that laugh again right now!
 A Positive Attitude
Has your partner's positive attitude saved you on some of your crappiest days? Have you often wondered how your partner could stay so upbeat all the time, but appreciate it nonetheless? This is a great reason to love someone when your partner is that bright ray of sunshine that the world so desperately needs.
Maybe your partner isn't overly optimistic to the point of being an annoying Sally Sunshine, but he or she just doesn't get miffed by the small stuff. This too is just as admirable, and you can tell your partner just how valuable such a laissez-faire attitude can be when life gets so crazy sometimes.
 Great Communicator
Does your partner ask you every day how your day was - and genuinely care about the answer? When you fight, is it something that generally blows over quickly because you two are so good at talking it out? A lack of communication is one of the most common reasons for relationships to fail, so if you have good communication with your partner, this is something to show your appreciation for.
On a related note, does your partner give some of the best advice? This is another reason to love them. When there's no one else to turn to, either because everyone is too busy or because the people who are available give terrible advice, your partner is always there with the right thing to say. This is a perfectly valid reason to love someone, and you should tell them as much.
Is your partner the very definition of that guy who will lay his coat over a puddle so that your feet don't get wet? Okay, maybe no one does that anymore, but maybe there are other selfless acts that your partner does without a second thought, and that speaks to the content of his character.
Maybe she makes you a separate dinner because what she wants is different from what you want, but she doesn't want you to have to cook after a long, hard day. Maybe he does your laundry for you so you can take that much-needed nap after spending all day watching the kids. Maybe she often makes a special stop to pick up coffee for you on her way home, even though it's a bit out of the way and she doesn't even want any.
Selfless acts are one of the most powerful ways a person can show another person that they love them. It is therefore appreciated when you show your appreciation for your partner's selflessness. He or she didn't have to do your laundry or grab your coffee when there was nothing in it for them, but they did it because they love you, and how sweet is that?
Do you have the kind of husband who doesn't expect dinner to be on the table and the house spotlessly cleaned every night when he gets home from work and is okay with that? Do you have the kind of wife who would rather not be a kept woman, and who would rather be seen as an equal and goes out to her full-time job every day, happy and proud of what she does? If you appreciate that your partner does not conform to what is typically expected insofar as gender roles are concerned, feel free to tell them this.
For many of us, this is just a part of who we are, and we take for granted that others in similar situations may be living a more repressed lifestyle. If we are thrilled to be thriving in an environment where men and women roll up their sleeves equally, where it's just as okay for both parties to do the chores as it is for them to go out to work every day, then this is certainly a thing to be celebrated.
Of course, the opposite is also true. If you don't have to work because your husband works, and because all you've ever wanted to do is be a housewife and take care of the kids, then this is a good example of something you can tell your husband you love him for. Similarly, if you're a man whose wife enjoys nothing more than making sure you have a home-cooked meal in your stomach when you get home from work, let her know every once in a while how much you appreciate her efforts.
The main thing here is that both partners are happy and that both partners are doing all they can to ensure their partner's happiness. And when such efforts are made in a world where selfishness tends to reign, then these are the things that should be celebrated. So the next time you're trying to put your love for your partner into words, hopefully, these examples can get you off to a good start.
Interested in learning more ways to express your love for your partner? Our licensed counselors can offer you both inspiration and advice.