Why is it that when a guy treats me like crap I think I'm a piece of crap? Why do I try to let their opinion of me define who I am? I can go above and beyond for someone, but they still sit here and let me wonder if I'm good enough and wonder if something is actually wrong with me because this happens every time. I never feel like I'm good enough.
Why is it such a big deal for girls to have to tip toe through everything because we don't want boys thinking we're too this and too that? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a very vocal person that likes to talk about how I feel about a situation, and if you feel a certain way about me, then I think you should be honest with me just like I'll be honest with you. But instead of talking things out, I have to tip toe around the subjects because talking stuff out especially right at the beginning of the "talking" stage just isn't "normal."
Since when has not being normal been a bad thing? Has it not been a thing for years now to be original? I'm tired of guys barely answering the questions that we ask them but if we don't answer something the exact way they want it's like the world is ending. I'm just saying we need more verbal communication rather than subtweeting each other and posting pictures with captions like "I wish this is how my relationship would be." Communication is key in any type of relationship you have in your life. And just know that if One guy doesn't appericate you for who you are then just know someone else will. Youll be able to find someone way better.