I was just watching the episode of Gilmore Girls where Lorelai breaks up with Max because she's afraid of getting hurt. She was happy with him, and saw a future with him, but she ran away out of fear.
It made my think: why is it that we run away when things are going well?
We could be so happy, and things could be going perfectly, but we still have this undying desire to run for our lives. Everything finally seems to be working in our favor, yet we pay attention to the very few negatives of being with our significant others. We worry ourselves over nothing and refuse to pay attention to all of the wonderful things they bring us. Single-handedly, we find reasons to support our desire to run away. We fight with them over senseless things even though we love them endlessly. We make a big deal about their laugh or how they hold themselves, even though we know those are two of the reasons we fell in love with them in the first place.
I've run away very few times, but I think I can shine some light on this subject.
I think we run because we are so used to being disappointed that when something starts going well we expect disappointment to ensue. Basically, we disappoint ourselves before anyone else has the opportunity to disappoint us.
I think we run because we don't know how to handle it when something actually goes our way. It seems too good to be true. We can't believe that someone could be so perfect and so good for us. It doesn't seem logical, so we run away from the unknown.
I think we run because running is easier than staying to find out what will happen. It's easier than going through the ups and downs of a relationship. It's easier than fighting for something without knowing if it will work out. Essentially, it's a cop out that I totally understand.
I think we run away because of other people's opinions. Sometimes people around us have negative opinions of our significant others, so we decide to run away. We don't want our friends or family to hate them, so we just give up on any chance we had at an amazing relationship because we fear being wrong about them.
I think we run away because we are scared if we don't our happiness will be taken away. In all reality, this doesn't make much sense because we end up unhappy anyway, but that's beside the point.
I think we run away because we are scared of staying. We are scared that we will somehow get screwed over. We are scared we will get heartbroken. We are scared of the unknowns. We are scared of how happy we are. We are scared of how special our significant other is to us. We are scared about how much love we have for them. We are scared they'll stop loving us. We are scared, and all we can think to do sometimes is run away.