Just days ago, my TV screen flickered on and I was surfing through the TV channels, when the interview with US Olympic Swimmer, Ryan Lochte, came on. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t watch just to have an excuse to marvel at his undeniable beauty, but the content of the interview was startling. Lochte alleged that he and three other US Olympic Swimmers had been held up while in Rio and that a gun was held to his head as he nearly fought for his life. Fear ran through the Olympic Village and these allegations brought lukewarm concerns to a boiling point, which prompted police intervention. It wasn't even a few days later from that interview when police reported that Lochte and the other swimmers had lied about the story, and were actually more of the perpetrators than the victims. They believed the Olympic Swimmers had fabricated the story about being held up, to avoid reprehension for vandalizing a gas station bathroom. He and a fellow swimmer, Jimmy Feigen, have now been indicted in Brazil for filing a false police report.
It took social media all of .02 seconds to rename this affair, “Watergate” and even though I chuckled at the irony of the name to Richard Nixon’s infamous debacle, I couldn’t help but wonder---why do we lie? Physical characteristics of humans have evolved over time, but our intrinsic set of internal values seem to have remained stagnant throughout the years. Time and time again, another scandal is revealed, another corruption ring discovered, and another conspiracy is unearthed. We’ve adapted to become the most effective species in the world, but we can’t seem to figure out that lying just keeps you treading in waves that you’re bound to drown in.
So why do we lie? Why do we put ourselves in situations that are bound to come around and bite us where it will hurt the most? Emily Dickinson once said, in her poetic verse 133, that “You cannot fold a flood, and put it in your drawer, Because the winds would sure find out, And tell your cedar floor.” All this means is that you can’t try to conceal something and think no one will find out. Eventually, someone will. Most likely, though, the person or thing you are trying to protect, will be the one hurt the most through your dishonesty.
Unfortunately, people are always going to lie. As much as I would love to see that genetic trait mutated throughout the generations, lies have become ingrained in our genomes. But, it’s time we start to realize the impact of our words. When you tell someone that you really love them, but just say it out of appeasement to avoid confrontation, you’re lying. When you promise someone you’ll do something, but have no intention in following through, you’re lying. And when you make up a wild tale about being held up at gunpoint to avoid getting yelled at for showing up late to the Olympic Village, you’re lying. Lies destroy relationships, friendships, and million dollar endorsement deals. So are they really worth it?
The next time you open your mouth to spit out some ridiculous lie to prevent you from speaking your mind, think of the gorgeous face of Ryan Lochte. This time, one of his lies caught up to him, and now his entire career has been placed in jeopardy. Speak your mind, follow your heart, and stay close to the truth. As much as you may think the truth may hurt or disappoint someone currently, I can guarantee you that it will prevent more devastation in the long run.