Take Two: Why Do We Feel Alone? | The Odyssey Online
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Take Two: Why Do We Feel Alone?

Do you feel stuck? Do you feel like nobody else understands how to create your happiness? There is a way out...And all you need is your wonderful self.

Take Two: Why Do We Feel Alone?

I have been trying to figure out why I feel so alone all the time. I figured maybe it was because I need to put myself out there more and socialize. I realized that I socialize plenty and that, for the most part, when I don’t have plans it’s because I choose to be in solitude. I think I feel alone because I allow myself to feel that way. Sure, there are people in my life the banter at me and put me down (my three brothers have mastered their technique over the years), as well as my own conscious that makes believe everyone is always judging me. But more so than the usual, I don’t give myself the confidence to accomplish all of the wonderful things I am capable of pursuing when I put my mind to it. I think to myself: “Elle…everyone feels this way. Some are just better at hiding it than others.” I agree with that statement completely, but I don’t think life has to be this way for the living generations and our future ones. It’s like, I know exactly point A to B on how I can improve everything in my life from the way eat, the amount I exercise, the way I treat myself and others, the way I focus on my academics and passions…etc, yet I am a stubborn mule sometimes and give up altogether. I hate that about myself. It makes me so internally sad when I give in to challenge so easily. I hope whoever is reading this can share my pain as well. I am not saying this at all because I want people to know this experience or feel sad at this truth, but I genuinely wish to shed a light on this subject. It may feel like such a dark world at times, but I am really starting to notice all of the times the darkness sparks from within. Usually, the mood alterations come from my outside world when I get a lousy test grade, don’t perform well, am treated poorly, or disappoint my friends and family. Sometimes, it is even worse when you feel how much pressure the world and society is putting on you. When you start to feel these feelings, you have to remember that you are one with the universe. You have the power to control all of your inner thoughts and physical actions at any time you choose to access them. Yes, sometimes we do feel like we are alone in the world, that nobody understands our being, and that trying can be so hard when you are afraid of how much better everyone else is. But, you just can’t live like this. You cannot live in this fear of a failing future due to your present state in life. There is this brilliant quote that I derived from one of my favorite movies, My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It is said by Tula’s brother, Nick, as she loses hope in her abilities to find love and inner-confidence, as well as genuine comfort in her own skin. Nick says, “Don’t let your past determine who you are, but let it be a part of who you will become.” I think this is probably one of the most endearing and truthful phrases I have ever heard in my life because it brings me such a deep sense of hope. It reassures me that all of the bumpy roads in my life’s journey have purpose, and that as hard or embarrassing or regretful they may feel at the time, they have shaped my perspective in wondrous ways. Guys, it is so imperative to understand what makes you feel pain, so that when you do feel joy, you literally bask in it. The power of gratitude towards positive events in your life becomes so undeniably strong.

Another thing, I feel like our generation is losing touch with ourselves. Yes, the elders will blame it on the cell phones, social media, access to drugs, and what-not. But I don’t believe these aspects of modern life are actually the issue. Bad things have always surrounded humanity. It is just a plain simple fact. What’s even more sincere is that we can’t blame societal issues on tangible items in our environment. It is how we, mobile, intelligent humans choose to use them. It is how we are taught, from the beginning, to use them all the way until how other people around us shape our bias about utilization of these tangible items. This is where I reach into my next point…I found this completely relatable quote on a tie-dyed pillow at the ’69 Woodstock Museum (If you don’t know what that is, please do yourself a grand favor and look it up): “No matter what people say, words and ideas can change the world.” Think about it! It can really be simple! If everyone was taught how to respect and show kindness towards others, there would be close to none who would be willing to pick up an inanimate gun and shoot someone with it. A)The victim could have never wronged another to such a hurtful extent that he “deserved” to die because he would have known the rights and wrongs of a noble life. B) The murder would have never occurred because more people will think ethically in situations as these because they were granted the education of how to respect others and empathize.

Yes, life has a lot of controversy to offer with such a wide array of opinions. Most people believe their certain opinions are the only right ones. Sometimes, bias can be so dangerous and damaging to the world, and the ones doing the damage won’t even admit to it. It is because they were raised and adapted to think and act a certain way based on their lifestyle fundamentals and ideals. Yes, it is insane that people terrorize other people who aren’t like them or don’t meet their standards. Although individuals do each have a conscious and ultimately make their own decisions, the actions themselves are highly based on what they know. As unbelievably dishonorable as some people’s actions may seem, they are choosing to follow and take action based on what they have known all their lives. It is the same concept when someone so generous and glorious to westernized culture, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers, as well as Lin-Manuel Miranda and the cast of Hamilton, spread ideals of acceptance, justice, and love. That, my friends, is the through line. All we can do as a single species to promote peace within our seven billion peopled community is to spread that love. We have to educate as many kids and adults as we can as soon and efficiently as we can of the keys to a world that is connected, shared, and cared for. We all need to do our part in spreading ideals of Acceptance, Tolerance, Respect, Kindness, Love, Care, Compassion, and so on. BUT, before we can be successful with any of this, we must start with ourselves. We need to abide by these puzzle pieces to find inner-peace, to combat our insecurities and loneliness. As I said earlier, each and everyone of us is special and one with the universe. Once we find our own inner peace, we will be able to unlock this profoundly-desired purpose and confidence in our own abilities. Before I head out, I’d like to tell you that this message is SO much easier said than done. Have patience with yourself and love the process. I actually have a little trick that helps you find inner-peace faster…The hack is to help give others portions of their puzzle pieces, therefore you are automatically adding to your own collection. In other words, what goes around does come back around to you. Think about it like math…A negative vibe times a negative vibe will clearly create more negative vibes. A positive vibe times a negative vibe is a negative vibe. This is my clever way of saying to make sure you don’t surround yourself with negative ideals. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give your best shot at approaching negative-thinking people and sincerely giving them a take on your positive ideals. Even if they don’t change their mind and develop a positive attitude from your good-natured advice, you will definitely get them to thinking! Likewise, a positive vibe times a positive vibe will assuredly produce a positive, prolific vibes.

Thank you so much for reading and I whole-heartedly hope this piece of encouragement brings you a new sense of self, a self that is up for the challenge and wants to take small steps in order to become closer to satisfaction…because that would be awesome!

SO much love,


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