Conspiracy theories, even to the most well-educated political pundit or history buff, are fascinating. After hearing one, we might start to question everything we usually take at face value. Certainly, a world where everything can be explained by a secret organization or insurgent movement is far more exciting than world with events caused by merely situational randomness. And recent surveys even show that 50% of all Americans believe in at least one, even though many seem too whimsical and far-fetched to be true. Psychologically speaking, why do so many people believe in them?
1) Cynicism
Over a decade ago, a study was conducted that found a positive correlation between belief in conspiracy and general distrust. Trust was measured by asking people to rate how much they agreed or disagreed with statements such as “Most people do not go out of their way to help someone in trouble” or “Most people exaggerate their troubles in order to get sympathy.” The students whose responses indicated lack of trust, also tended to agree more with statements such as “Underground movements threaten the stability of American society” and “The Air Force is hiding evidence of flying saucers.” Belief in conspiracy gives hostile individuals outlets for aggression. Later studies have backed these results, and draw relationships more specifically with mistrust in the establishment.
2) Fundamental attribution error
Individuals who believe in conspiracy theories often place an “external locus of control” on a specific agency, such as the government. It perceives malicious intentions in agency, rather than attributing events “randomness” or “casual complexity.” This is called fundamental attribution error, and is the reason why conspiracy theory fanatics hold on to their beliefs even when accurate evidence is presented. Fantasy principles are also correlated with belief in conspiracy, as those who hold belief in the paranormal/other-worldly also tend to have impressive imaginations that allow them to construct stories of secret organizations with specific, malevolent intent.
3) Confirmation bias
Confirmation bias is defined as “the tendency to interpret new evidence as one’s existing beliefs or theories.” This, coupled with alienation towards the government and mainstream media, is another explanation of the unflinching beliefs that conspiracy theorists hold. Confirmation bias can also be described as motivated skepticism. While most people are skeptical of the non-mainstream, motivated skeptics scrutinize the mainstream, and only accept alternative explanations compatible with their non-sheeple beliefs.
4) Internet
Troves of accurate, relevant information are available to millions of people, thanks to the Internet. Unfortunately, the phrase “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” needs to be repeated to those who believe that the Internet only consists of information of that nature. Studies show that exposure to conspiracy narratives increase belief in them. That means that simply knowing about a conspiracy theory (which the Internet allows people to do) makes people more likely to believe in one. Not only has the internet increased exposure to these theories, but it has aided in the creation of the ideas themselves. The internet allows people to express their thoughts freely, bringing like-minded people together in conversation forums and groups, and the vast and instantaneous availability of information allows anyone who is willing, to interpret it.
As Hofstadter stated in The Paranoid Style in American Politics, “History is a conspiracy, set in motion by demonic forces of almost transcendent power.” And it is logical to assume that conspiracy theories wouldn’t exist is a world where actual conspiracies don’t exist at all. So whether you view them as entertainment, stimulating research or the truth, know that the motives behind conspiracy theories are much more complex than this article can detail. Many are equally as ridiculous as they are hilarious, but research is still being conducted. One out of every thousand you hear may even be true.