Before we get off on the wrong foot, let me preface this article by saying it’s not a five page rant encouraging you to vote for Hillary Clinton. Personally, I don’t even consider myself a liberal, and I don’t really care who you plan to vote for. What I do consider myself, is a humanist. I care about the problems and welfare of each individual human being. Whether you’re black, white, gay, or Hispanic, it doesn’t matter. The point is, no single person, or group of persons should be subjected to the name-calling and childlike behavior I have witnessed from Donald Trump during this election season. It is no secret that I have led a privileged life as a straight, white, middle-class citizen growing up in New England. I’m well aware of that. I don’t know what it is like to be discriminated on based off the color of my skin, or my sexual orientation. What I do know, is what it feels like to be judged. For that reason alone, I could never support Donald Trump.
I’m not saying some of his points aren’t valid, or that I disagree with every single thing he’s said. What I do disagree with is Trump’s insolent behavior. For example, during an interview with Rolling Stone in September of 2015, Trump was quoted slandering his opponent, Carly Fiorina, based solely on her appearance. “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?"
Understand, I would have no problem with Trump talking badly about his opponents platforms, but to slander an opponent based on their appearance is unprofessional and immature. As the president of the United States, it would be his duty to represent our country when meeting with dignitaries and foreign leaders. I don’t know about the rest of America, but that is not the kind of person I would like to represent my country. Trump later on attempted to cover his tracks during the GOP debate saying, "I think she's got a beautiful face. And I think she's a beautiful woman." Right after this media frenzy cleared up, Trump was in the news yet again, in August of 2015, for commenting (negatively), on the appearance of model, Heidi Klum.
You know what, Donald? I don’t really care what you think about either of these women’s appearances. I understand and fully support every citizen’s right to free speech, but just because you can say something, doesn’t mean you should. Especially, if you’re a public figure! In my opinion it’s absolutely inappropriate for the President, (or any man for that matter), to comment on a female’s appearance. Learn some manners, Donald!
Lastly, Trump has been anything but quiet about his feelings on immigration. Specifically towards people of Mexican and Middle-Eastern descent. I acknowledge the difference between immigrating here illegally, versus becoming a citizen. I am in no way saying we should be handing out green cards, free healthcare, and benefits to every Joe-Schmo who comes along. But for God’s, sake, have a little heart. Trump was quoted shushing a Hispanic reporter at an Iowa rally, stating “You haven’t been called, go back to Univision” (an American Spanish broadcast television channel). These racially driven comments, along with hate-rants about building a wall between the United States and Mexico are anything but “presidential”. Trump’s rallies and statements have gotten so out of control, I honestly can’t even believe he is considered a serious candidate.
To clarify, I am not trying to tell you who to vote for. I know plenty of people who support Trump and that is their right as an American. All I’m asking, is that before you vote, you consider your friends, family and loved ones. I’m sure some of your families, or the family of someone close to your heart have immigrated to the United States at some point. How would you feel if they were depicted as rapists or criminals, and turned away from the American Dream? How would you feel if Trump was commenting on your mother, or sister’s appearance and mocking your culture? I implore you to consider this when voting in this year’s upcoming election.