To wake up and log onto social media just to see more posts about resting in peace is getting old. When will it stop? When will people realize how torturous this horrible disease is? It makes me infuriated that with all of the world's problems somehow there is no way to will someone into stopping from killing themselves, from killing the next generation. If you don't know what I'm talking about then I'm glad to say you've been sheltered. Because for the vast majority of the world, this horrible disease of addiction does not discriminate. It does not care about race or social status or gender or conformity in society. It is the most accepting "thing" in the world. The heroin epidemic needs to end. I don't want to have to keep wondering why my friends keep dying.
Over the last few years, heroin has become even more dangerous, as it's now being laced with Fentanyl and other synthetic opiates. Since 2014, overdoses have more than quadrupled, which lead to more than 10,000 deaths in 2014 alone.
Why are these people starting you may ask? Because 75% of heroin addicts used prescription opioids before using heroin. This is a sad but true reality we are all facing; some more than others. For the country, it is a national crisis that poses a huge challenge. For the family of the addict it is heart breaking to watch someone you love dying right in front of you because they are powerless over their disease, but simultaneously know that only they and their higher power have the power necessary to stop. And finally, as the addict, it is daily torture to wake up and not want to die but not know how to live without your drug of choice. At a certain point, you want so badly to stop and to keep going all in the same thought. Waking up is a chore. Living feels like it is too difficult and cannot be worth fighting what feels like a daily hell. Why must you fight to admit powerlessness and to find willingness to improve your life when you know your body will eventually succumb to this drug?
I have a reason for you, and I really hope it is good enough.
Please go on to live another day because you are worth it and life is worth it and it is possible to recover. Live life one day, just 24 hours, at a time and you can make it.
And because there are so many of us out there who are sick of having to ask ourselves...
Why do my friends keep dying?
"Life is way to short to spend another day at war with yourself."