I think about Arsenal FC all the time. Every single day.
I spend many good waking hours pondering over what could be done differently at Arsenal to increase the chances of Arsenal FC winning the league.Football is a competitive sport and and the objective is to win, thoughts like these make me hope and pray Arsenal win the next game every game. But then I question myself: Is winning everything? Is participation in the top divisions and the top half of the Premier League not enough? Am I not privileged to support a club that regularly competes for the top honours?Why do I get so upset after every loss?
It's hard being an Arsenal fan. It's hard because we bottle our chances whenever things are going well and our chances of securing the league are strong. It wasn't always like this and so we continue to believe and live in times gone by. But one should never rest on their laurels and hence we as fans want to win and once again prove to the world that things can be done the right way. What is the "right way" you ask. The right way is to spend wisely, grow the talent, invest in youth, nourish these characters and help raise boys to men. Well thats part of the reason why I love Arsenal and because the way they play football is truly beautiful to watch. The way they play isn't boring and isn't overtly glamorous either with good tactically strong and skillful players mixed with flair players.
Why do I support Arsenal FC? Why do I love Arsenal FC? If winning was everything then why don't I support a team that is willing to spend a lot of money and is funded by billionaires and buys titles through the acquisition of the top talent around the world? There are many things that are wrong in the world like the persistent inequality amongst the poor vs. the rich and the unequal division and distribution of resources and wealth around the world. The growing divide is getting much larger and it is becoming unbearable to watch. The way Arsenal FC spend their money is admirable to see as they don't just look to buy titles but do things with taking into consideration long term growth for their shareholders amongst other things.
All Arsenal Fans are loyal and stubborn. They don't give up. They can't give up on their team. So come hail or storm long live the gunners!
I feel like if one goes searching for misgivings then one can find faults with anything in the world. One must sometimes stop and appreciate the simple things in life such as the way Arsenal play.