Girls, let’s be real for a minute. Imagine that you are interested in two equally attractive boys. One brings you Starbucks every morning and sends you texts laden with kissy-face emojis so you can clearly tell he likes you. On the other hand, the second boy never texts you and you communicate only through quick smiles and sly winks in the hallways at school so you really aren’t sure how he feels about you. Who are you going to pursue?
The sad truth is that the majority of us females would try to go after the second boy and leave Señor Starbucks in the dust. So if you yourself were thinking you would pick the more mysterious boy in lieu of the faithful, starstruck texter, don’t worry. This shit is science.
So why is it that as females we want what we can’t have? Or rather, what we don’t know if we can have?
I say because it’s more fun and the University of Virginia did a study that agrees (well, in more refined diction of course). But in summary, it’s all about the challenge for us females. “The chase,” if you will. We don’t want someone to put us up on a pedestal -- at least not right away. Make us work for it!
Personally, one of my greatest accomplishments relationship-wise was obtaining the boyfriend I had to reel in over the course of six months. It was grueling, frustrating, but strangely intriguing. It kept me interested the whole time because it was never dull. And to top it off, it made the end result all the more rewarding and we dated for about two years.
But in all honesty, once a guy is won over, (whipped, as it is often known), he will do anything for you and while that is great for a minute, frankly it is just so… boring. We get uninterested. So it’s up to our male counterparts to keep it exciting for us. I don’t want to get every single thing I want at the snap of a finger! I mean I do, but that’s my fairy godmother’s job, not my boyfriend’s. Plus, how are any moments or gifts going to be special if you get them all the time?
Answer: They won’t be.
All in all, this just goes to show that there is actual science behind you wanting the men that you can’t have. So girls, you are not crazy or psychotic, it is just how you are built. We just have to find that perfect balance between fun and challenging. So with that, boys… good luck.