Every time something bad happens, whether it's in my personal life or on the news, I find myself wishing I had answers. I'm sure most of you are the same way. Answers for kids without loving parents, world hunger, miscarriages, the abused, neglected animals, war, racism, insecurities. Clearly, I could go on and on. My ‘Christian-like senses’ tell me that the answer to the negativity in our world is the devil. These things that I have listed (and more) are what he thrives off of. These things are to the devil as faith, hope, and love is to Jesus. Each time a parent beats their child, each time someone is raped, or each time a friend is back-stabbed… the devil thrives; it builds him higher.
We tend to cave sometimes considering we're human, so it’s normal. We may cave in a way that boosts these negative things, such as pleasing the devil, not even meaning to. Maybe you're in high school at a party and have one too many alcoholic beverages and make a foolish mistake. Maybe you're 23, newly wedded, and you jumped in it too fast and you have an affair. Then, there’s those unfortunate things that happen to us that we let get the best of us. Maybe you're 50, just bought a new car and house, and you get laid off of your job. Maybe you're 18 and your dad dies in a car accident. Now, you're constantly haunted by the idea of him not being able to walk you down the aisle on your wedding day. Maybe you're on a full ride scholarship to play basketball and a week before the season starts, you injure your ankle and just like that, there goes your basketball career.
Why do these things have to happen? Why do we let them get the best of us? I can tell you my opinion, but I can’t promise it’s going to impact you. I sure hope it does. For all I know, there may not be answers to some things. Certain circumstances may not be meant to figure out in this life. I even believe that some are better if you just let them settle on their own. Let go and let God type of deal.
We search daily for these answers. We try to fix the world, we try to radiate peace. All good things would be so lovely, but it’s impossible for everything to be good. Perfection would be boring if you think about it. It’s something that’s preached daily, but is it ever practiced? When do we wake up and demand the day to be good to us? When do we go outside and smile when it’s pouring down rain? Some of us may, but I promise not all of us do. Regardless of your current situation(s), regardless if the person next to you seems to have it all, REGARDLESS. God gave you certain battles because only YOU have the right armor for them. That armor isn’t going to be hanging on your wall whenever it’s time for war. You have to go out there and earn your shield and sword. We’re all His soldiers and it'd be foolish to give up now.
“Stop searching for answers and praying for an escape. Trust God with where you are and BELIEVE that you will have your way.”