Sororities: They're not for everybody, and definitely not for me. I don't hate them, but I don't think I'd do well in them. And I've figured out 4 reasons why:
1. I’m not a “Group” person
If there’s one thing I learned throughout life and especially during my first semester of college, it’s that I’m not a group person. I can’t hang out in a group of people and feel comfortable. To be honest, the idea of groups just sucks, like: person A likes person B, person B likes person C, person C likes person D, and person D likes person A. Although the group is built on friendship, not everyone is friends and individuals can clash on many levels. It always feels like it’s a forced thing where everyone else is going, so you HAVE to go, because the group is going. I’m also pretty picky about who I chose to hang out with, so when 5 other people tag along, I can’t help but get a little annoyed. So, knowing this, I stick to myself or I hang out with one or two people at a time. It’s not that I can’t do groups at all, but definitely not all the time.
2. I only have one sister
Another thing I don’t really understand is the idea of sisterhood. Why are you “sisters”? Why do you all suddenly love each other? Why do you get “bigs” and “littles”? This really goes back to the idea of incompatible people all in one group. How can you possibly love an entire crowd of people?! And then call them your sisters? Maybe I’m just old fashioned where the bond between sisters is unlike any other.
3. I really don’t have time
From the few sorority friends I have, I understand that it is a HUGE time commitment, a huge amount of time that I absolutely do not have. With clubs, class, and homework, I barely have time to visit home or do fun things. My sacrifices of time include whether or not I have time to go to the gym (which is usually no) or if I have time to catch up on sleep with a nap (also no).
4. I’m not here to have fun
I also have a personal issue with spending so much time on non-academic activities. I’m not paying thousands to have fun while I should be studying. It’s not fair to my parents who are helping me, it’s not fair to the organizations giving me financial aid, and it’s not fair to me. Getting involved in something like a sorority would make me feel extremely guilty about wasting my time and money.
I’d also like to say that I’m not bashing sororities, they’re just not for me. If you want to join one, go for it! Just make sure you are really committed and they you love what you’re doing. You’re in college and your comfort matters 100%.