Girl power was in full swing this weekend. What started out as the Women's March on Washington quickly caught on to dozens of states across American soil. Marches for women's rights brought out every day citizens and elite Hollywood patrons alike, such as Latina TV star Gina Rodriguez and singer Alicia Keys. Closer to home, I interviewed a few women who attend Florida State University about why they wanted to march. Rainy conditions did not stop thousands of women from showing up to protest. Listen to what they had to say.
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1. Ally Lorena, FSU Alumna '15
"I wanted to march to show solidarity with fellow citizens who wanted to send a message that we will not be silent about what's may happen with the new administration. I wanted to make a stand and support planned parenthood - who organized the event - because I believe they help so many men and women around the nation and the fact that they are facing constant defunding by congress over abortion and other absurd claims by these leaders who are supposed to represent us is disheartening. Affordable health care, affordable birth control, STI and cancer screenings are so vital today and they should not be taken away. Abortions have reached an all time low and that's because birth control is affordable to many low income people and that should be a fundamental right instead of being patronized and maintain abstinent. That's just unrealistic in today's society and I'm tired of the shaming we face beside of it."
How Do You Feel After The March?"After yesterday's march, I felt so hopeful. To see we weren't alone in our goals. After the election, I felt so helpless. I thought, this is it. Women are going to suffer because of this. I don't plan on having a family for many years and family planning is vital to keeping me and many others safe. I am overjoyed at the sheer number of supporters the women's march had, not just in America, but in other countries as well. It makes me feel like I'm not alone."
2. Eliani Lorenzo, FSU Senior
"I wasn't born in the United States and at the time of Donald's election my citizenship status was up in the air. I had spent a year fighting with immigration and getting rejected. This election was one that I knew I had to vote in or take part in because immigration was so largely contested and the Latinx/Hispanic population was such a sought after demographic and I just really wanted to do my part. Unfortunately it didn't work out that way, and I've never considered myself much of an activist but this election was just not the one to stay quiet. So while still fighting with immigration for my documents and knowing I wouldn't be able to vote, I volunteered for the Democratic Party of Florida and registered people to vote. I put off homework on election night and sat down with the CNN app and a glass of wine and my electoral bingo map that I had predicted myself watching as state after state went red. The next day I wake up with this heavy feeling in the pit of my stomach. My mom isn't super into politics but before bed she had told me to tell her who won the election and so I just sat there for a while wondering, "How do I tell my strong, hardworking, Latina immigrant mother that the country she left her culture for doesn't care about her?" And since then I've been going to the protests, signing the petitions, participating in productive discourse. I was at work when Ally sent me a tweet about the march and I literally dropped all my plans to go to her house and make nasty women shirts. I'm not going to silence my pride as a Latina or as an immigrant or as a woman because I think activism makes people uncomfortable.... the political climate in this country makes me uncomfortable."
3. Serena Viola Kain, FSU Sophomore
"I will remember 1.21.17 forever. This record breaking protest is a reminder that women will never stop fighting for the rights they deserve. <3 Educate. Organize. Agitate."
"I marched because this was an important opportunity for me to show that I am united in the fight for equality, not only for women, but for minorities, whether racial or religious, for LGBTQ+ rights, and the rights of disabled persons. I marched to inspire my friends, my family, and myself to not be passive in the pursuit of fairness and equality. We marched in pouring rain for over three hours, I injured my ankle, but the feeling I had the entire time the march was going on and then after was one of the greatest feelings I have ever had. I cried a lot because I looked around at thousands of people who were standing up for themselves and asking for something better. I have never felt more safe, loved, and patriotic in my entire life."
5. Meghan Fonda, FSU Sophomore
"When I was little, my mom told me that instead of marrying Prince Charming, I should build a career, buy my own castle, and Prince Charming could live with me in my castle. Today I'm thankful for the strong woman that raised me, and I march to #shatterglassceilings."
6. Giselle Parks, FSU Freshman
"In light of the women's marches held globally, I'm seeing a lot of people post about how tired they are of feminism. I think they're inherently misinformed as to what the movement is about. It isn't burning bras and listening to Beyoncé. And it most certainly is not whatever brand of feminism people seem to equate with Taylor Swift and her squad. Feminism is the endeavor for equal right and standards for women on social, political, and economic grounds. That means women of color, trans women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, it means women outside of America and beyond our borders. It means the wage gap is not a myth, it means raise boys and girls the same, it means be tolerant and respectful of one another, and it means having a say in your own healthcare be it reproductive rights or otherwise.
It means my body, my rights, my rules. And no one else's. No man or woman aside from myself can decide for me what I do with my own body on my terms, so long as I do not put others in harm's way. It means respecting my gender and respecting other people for their gender identity as well. It means I will not tolerate another injustice done unto me or other WOC simply for the color of our skin.
It is NOT about bringing men down, it is about RISING UP to the level they are at to achieve EQUALITY.
It means just because YOU do not experience it in YOUR day to day life, it does not mean that millions of other women's experiences are invalidated. We don't need your validation, we need your rallying support. The largest PEACEFUL protest in American history happened yesterday and our only goal was to incite conversation and enact a change. So far I'd say we did a pretty good job."
The Women's Marches meant something to all of these women. What does it mean to you? Keep the conversation going. Leave comments, share this article with your friends, family, and lawmakers.