When I was young, I didn’t fully understand the meaning of being a feminist, I was on Tumblr a lot and I took in the idea of being a feminist as someone who was just angry at everything and everyone. However, when I started getting into more of the movement and more of the reason about being a feminist the more I could think about how this is what I wanted to be. While many people seem to think that feminist just what free things that could be out there for some, there are other free things that makes sense to anyone who thinks about it, to freely walk down there street without people yelling at them, to know if anything goes wrong on a date or just life in which they ask for it to stop, the person stops and know that the sex goes two ways, to freely dress without being told that boys can't control anything that they see, or that my only end goal in life is to have kids (this is not my personal life end goal, maybe for some people, but not for me) but that we can become more then just mothers, that we can tell our daughters that they can be the President, A Police Chief, in the Army, Directors and whatever they dream of and never putting them down because it's not something a lady goes into. Now before you think do Feminists care about all women? Well like all groups of people, there are some people who are in it for selfish reasons and just for them, there are groups of feminists that take donations for bras and taps for homeless women, other groups to help Refugee Women and their families and other groups to help women from all around the world.
Now why am I a feminist? I am the kind of girl that wants to make sure everyone can have a free chance at same things I have, a good education, amazing parents that stand by my side and never hold me back from doing what I dream of doing, friends who want to reach their dreams and cheer me on for trying to reach mine, and living in country where people fight for me to have more rights then ladies in other countries. However I think it's time for people to think about being more open to being equal, that if you can easily carry one light cardboard box of marshmallows, you can stop and help someone who's carrying a box of brinks. That people are stronger together then they are alone.