Denver's Virtual Reality Haunted House immerses adventurers in a world of terror, unlike anything they've experienced before...
Using the latest technology in Virtual Reality, both the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift, you'll enter the haunted house balancing along a narrow plank extending off the side of a skyscraper doing your best not to fall, followed by shooting and hacking your way through a zombie apocalypse, and finally trying your luck to survive a trip through a twisted mental hospital with your arms physically strapped down to a creaky wheelchair. But why is it scarier than a traditional haunted house?
360 Degrees of Terror
Because in all three experiences, the world is coming at you from 360 degrees. You can even see your hands as joysticks in two of the experiences, thanks to two in-room sensors. The game always knows exactly where you are, which can be especially scary when fighting off zombies who tend to sneak up from behind, the scariest haunted house experience for many.
Your Brain Thinks It's Real
You know you're in a virtual environment but you're still afraid. You can even lift up the headset, look around the room, slip the headset back on and it's just as real. VR haunted house incorporates creative 4D effects to add even more triggers that tell your mind it's really happening...
The way a VR developer fools your brain into thinking that a virtual space is real is by knowing what tools your brain uses to construct reality, and then giving your brain the same information, but presented in virtual reality. VR developers in a simulation give your brain all the building blocks it needs to say “This is real.” - The Daily Dot
A Curated Combination of Fears
By hitting on a long list of common fears, visitors typically find one experience to be significantly scarier than the rest. In fact, in a single group of friends, it's common to find all three experiences called out as the scariest. It's rare to find a haunted house experience that touches on so many fears: claustrophobia, sharp objects, drowning, heights, lack of control, arachnophobia, zombies, corpses...
Experience 1: Don't Fall!
Walk along a physical plank suspended at the top of a skyscraper! Takes fear of heights to a whole new level.
Experience 2: Zombie Apocalypse
Dust off your favorite gat and get ready for action. Zombies will attack from all directions to feast on your flesh. Survive as long as you can...
Experience 3: Escape the Mental Hospital
Get comfortable as our creepy orderly straps you into a creaky wheelchair and the adventure begins. We'll all be laughing at your never ending screams...
How to Try it Yourself:
Denver's Virtual Reality Haunted House is located inside Epic Brewing's Denver Taproom at 3001 Walnut St in Denver's RiNo district. If you're looking for a little liquid courage, Epic's festive taproom has your back. And for a limited time, pre-purchase your tickets online and Epic is offering adventurers a complimentary "Fright Flight" including a taste of several of their famous local brews! The journey begins at