I personally think that everyone should find something they’re passionate about and pursue it. Money should be a second thought when it comes to choosing a major for college. I mean, what’s the point in making money when you’re miserable with your job?
I chose Instrumental Music Education as my major. I may be extremely stressed, but I am excited for what’s ahead for me to learn. Music Ed is not an easy course. I could have easily taken an easier route going to a community college, get my associates degree, and been done with this stressful mess within two years, but I was once told by an amazing high school director that anything worth doing isn’t easy.
My junior year of high school, I started spending a lot of time in my high school band director’s office. His office was a sanctuary for me and I knew that I could talk to my director about anything. He was honestly my best friend! He helped me through a lot of tough situations and was always there when I had my typical mental breakdowns over the smallest of things. I’m glad I had him in my life at that time.
My director motivated me to become a better player than I was and he always helped me in any way he could. In fact, he’s the main reason I decided to go to Southern Arkansas University (Go Muleriders)! From him helping me and making such a great impact on my life it made me want to have the same kind of impact on someone else. I knew that one day I would want to make someone, anyone, feel like they matter. I want to make a student feel like a teacher can care about more than just a grade in a computer.
I knew I could see a future in music and I knew I would love to wake up every morning and go to a school to teach kids to love the same exact thing that I have a passion for. Yes, I know teachers make crap pay, and I surely know that there will be some kids that will test my patience, but I cannot wait for the day that I can make a difference in someone’s life, teaching them something that has, and still continues, to mold my life.
My high school director has been a role model to me, and I strive to be like him. I hope to, one day, have a band of my own to run and be able to make a difference. Money doesn’t matter and the stress I am dealing with right now will soon enough be worth it all. I chose Music Education because of what one teacher did for me and, through him, I found a passion to teach others, and to not only teach, but to help, influence, and to become a person someone could look up to. I see what a teacher, a band director, did for me and I can only hope I can do the same for someone else.
Discover a passion you have and pursue it. Things will be tough and honestly it will suck, a lot, but it will all be worth it in the end. Challenge yourself and want it enough that you will do anything to achieve your goal.
Thank you, King.