Why Dating A Momma's Boy Is The Best | The Odyssey Online
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Why Dating A Momma's Boy Is The Best

Simply the best choice, don't think twice.

Why Dating A Momma's Boy Is The Best

The stereotypes of a momma's boy not being manly enough or being too much of a wuss are simply an absurd assumption. Being a momma's boy has nothing to do with physical strength, always talking to their mom 24/7, being immature emotionally, being a pushover, or having a woman do everything for them. These are unfair criticism's and you will regret picking the "bad boy" 9 times out of 10. If anything a male close to his mother increases the chances of being more successful in life, having better morality, and being less hostile and violent towards the opposite sex. Here are 7 reasons to date a momma's boy.

Chivalry most certainly is not dead

Even against what most people think, chivalry is still alive. You most certainly will see it in a momma's boy. She raised him right and taught her son how to treat a woman with the utmost respect. A momma's boy will intend to show you how to be treated like a lady but at the same time, realizes you have your own life. He would never do anything to hurt you, make you upset, or disrespect you.

He values the advice from women

Momma's boys have been taking advice from their moms their whole life. What makes you think if you have something really important to say or a strong opinion on something, that he won't consider your thoughts? This is undervalued because of all of the sexism that goes around in this country. A momma's boy will see you as a true equal, if not better.

Knows the difficulties of being a mom

He saw his mother work her butt off in just about everything she did. Ranging from her working long hours at her job, taking care of her children, making amazing food daily, being there when no one else is, and hundreds of other things. A momma's boy will always accommodate to your needs to make life easier for you and help carry the load. So for you future mothers, keep that in mind.

Will always defend you and have your back

Need to vent about a co-worker that wronged you or the person that cut you off on the road earlier today? Of course he'll be on your side and talk smack about them too. Need some confidence for that diet you are about to go on or that test you are about to take. He's got your back just like he always does. A momma's boy can be your best friend, motivator, lover, personal trainer, comedian, and anything else you need him to be. He will always be there right behind you every step of the way.

Excel where other men don't

Just emotional enough to relate? Check. Emphatic enough to talk to you through a hard time? Check. Able to get along with your friends? Check. Typically coming with better hygiene, well groomed, able to prepare a meal for themselves and not be clueless in the kitchen. He always remembered his mom's birthday and will always remember your special dates (birthday, anniversary, etc.). All the makings of a good boyfriend/husband apply here.

Appreciates the worth of a good woman

He will see a woman's worth beyond sexuality and beyond just being there only when he wants you there. This is golden because lots of males only see women as either a sexual tool or just want them there when it is on their time.

Will have a great feel for you

A momma's boy can always tell when his mom is upset or something is bothering her. It is just a natural tendency that they seem to pick up on. This will be no different for his future lady. He will be able to quickly pick up on your thoughts, emotions, and will always be there to cheer you up on the bad days and keep you laughing and going on the good days. Chemistry is key, and a momma's boy is the way to go.

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