Finding someone that makes you happy can be difficult. Maybe the problem resides in the fact that you are relying on another person to make you happy instead of relying on yourself for happiness.
In our modern world, we are so connected by technology. We have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, tumblr, Pinterest, just to name a handful of the social media that's out there. We use these platforms to post about our lives, obsessively checking to see how many likes, retweets or re-pins we've gotten. We've become so wrapped up in our technology that we've forgotten how to find happiness without it. We've become so wrapped up in it that we've forgotten how to have relationships outside of it.
When you go out into the dating world, try something new. Look for the person that's not connected to their phone/laptop/tablet. Maybe it's that cute girl in your coffee shop that seems to be reading a new book every couple of days or that guy with the adorable smile that rides his bike by your place every morning. Look for the people that almost seem to be living in their own world, perfectly content and happy to be there. There's a pretty good chance they are and you've stumbled upon one of those "independent types."
Why should you look for the independent type, you ask? Because they have found a way to exist and be happy without the constant need for validation from people on the internet or in real life. Because they are free thinkers, unworried about what society thinks of them and the things they like. They go after what they want, with a bulldog's determination and they don't stop until they've got it. They are secure in who they are as a person and they want you to be also.
The independent is supportive and encouraging. If you really want to do something but maybe you're a little scared, they will be right there, encouraging you to try, because you'll never know if you don't. They are the people that don't need you but want you. They don't want the attention that comes from dating you, they want your respect that comes with dating you.
They might seem a little strange, especially in our world full of "likes" but give them a try. You might be surprised that they help you to truly be yourself and to find happiness within yourself.