Come on, you can't really think dance is a sport, right? If you've ever been serious about dance, then you definitely know how "undemanding" it can be on both your social life and your body. With all the summer conditioning, practicing, competitions and performances, there's no way. I mean, you don't score goals or throw a ball back and forth, you have to dress up in costumes and wear lots of makeup. So, clearly this can't count as a sport if you have to look all pretty, right? Let's go through a few reasons why dancing most definitely is not a sport.
1. It requires zero physical activity.
2. You can't get injuries in dance.
It's actually impossible to roll your ankle after landing a jump or fall after a stunt. It never happens. No one can get injured while dancing.
3. Don't they always do the splits? Come on, anyone can do the splits if they tried.
Leaping into the splits is actually super easy and requires no physical training or flexibility. Anyone can do it, just like how anyone can can hold an arabesque on pointe and on one leg. Clearly, there is no strength required.
4. Dancers don't wear uniforms.
These have glitter on them. Uniforms don't have glitter. This doesn't count even; though, we all look the same in this picture.
7. There are no team bonds or lifelong friendships that come from dancing with people.
Spending hours upon hours and going to practices and competing together does not form friendships. As you can see in this picture here, there is no bonding going on. It's not like this picture shows my friends and I are encouraging each other before we compete at state.
You can probably tell from all these very true facts that dancing is obviously not a sport. There's just not the same sense of teamwork, physical training or competing like all the other sports out there.