There are places around the world which are really cold, especially small towns. Corry, PA is a small town in northwestern Pennsylvania. I was born and grew up in this small town with my family. The temperatures are freezing or below freezing in the winter months. Corry gets lake effect snow from Lake Erie, which means we get a lot of snow during the winter months. Corry is also a small town compared to Erie or any other large town. Corry also doesn't like to close schools during the winter months, no matter how cold it is or how much snow we get. There's been many days when the school district was open when it was below zero.
When I was in elementary school, there was a time when Corry had gotten hit with twelve inches of snow in twenty four hours. I remember my sister and I waking up early in the morning watching the news channel to see if school was canceled. It was ten minutes before we had to go to the bus stop and we still had to go to school. The snow plows didn't go through our neighborhood that morning and we walked to the bus stop with snow up to our knees. The highway was plowed so people could go to work that morning. When we got to school that day, there wasn't a lot of kids there because the dirt roads weren't plowed that morning. We ended up going home early that day because the weather was going to get worse later that day.
When I was in high school, we had a bad ice storm in the winter of 2014. The night before I had school, the weather indicated there would be freezing rain into the next day. The next morning, I was waiting for school to be canceled on the news, which never came. I walked to the bus stop when the road was two inches thick with ice. I fell that morning on the ice when I was close to the bus stop. It was hard getting there without falling every step of the way. When we were close to school, the bus was sliding on the ice but they regained the motion of the bus. Not many people went to school that day and we also had a two hour early dismissal.
Corry has had many snow and ice storms since I have lived there. The school district doesn't like to close, but in emergencies they take extra precautions when the weather gets bad. With all of the places I've been and traveled to, I think Corry, PA is one of the coldest places in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Winter is one of my favorite seasons, but living in Corry all my life, even I get tired of the bitter cold weather. Corry is one of the nicest places I've been and lived at. Even though we have harsh winters, I'm glad I live in an area that has a lot of snow!