Confrontation is never an easy thing to do. It can be VERY hard. When I say confrontation I don't mean a yelling match. It can just be flat out talking to the person. I know that most people would rather walk away and avoid the problem, but that may not be the best option. When you have an issue with someone, the best solution is to confront them so you can find a way to move on from it. Here are reasons why confronting someone is the best option:
1. You can tell someone what they did and why you don't like it.
A person has a right to know if you have an issue with them. They might not even know that there is any sort of issue until it is talked out. It may not be solved but at least it is out in the open. Clear the air.
2. You can find out the truth.
Many times, confrontation is necessary because something significant has happened that you don't know all the facts about. You may think one thing happened but it could be something totally different. If you confront them you can find out all the facts so you can prevent them in the future and move on from them.
3. You can lose the negativity from your life.
If there is an issue you are more likely to be worried about it or more stressed. This can add up to you having more negative energy in your life and always being sad about things. Also, if everything isn't resolved you can remove that person from your life if you need to.
4. It could be awkward if you don't confront them.
Whether you work with, go to school with them, or just see them around it can be awkward. You might be ignoring each other, which can make the people involved and the people around you uncomfortable.
5. You can decide if you want to continue to be around a person.
Once you know all the facts, you can decide if you want to continue to have that person in your life. Some people aren't meant to be friends or get along and you can figure that out once it is talked about.
6. The longer you are mad at that person, the harder it is to forgive them.
I know from experience that I can hold grudges very easily. The longer that I go without talking about it, the stronger my grudge gets. If you confront them soon after it happens you can try to not be mad at them anymore.
As you know, confrontation is hard but necessary but it can solve issues and problems from happening. If everyone confronts each other, life is a lot easier.