As soon as you reach your senior year of high school you're bombarded with endless questions about college... From friends, family, coworkers. Where are you going to go to school? What will your major be? Then you drop the bomb. "I'm going to commute." The expression on their face suddenly changes. It's a look somewhere between confusion and disgust.
Believe it or not, some people actually WANT to commute. I know, it's baffling isn't it? No, I am not being forced. No I don't feel like I'm "going to miss out." Why would I want to commute? There are lots of reasons why.
First of all, I'm a homebody. I like being in the comfort of my own home. Nothing turns me off more than crowded dorm rooms and no privacy. I love being able to come home everyday to my own house.
Another big reason I choose to commute is because of my close relationship with my family. We are extremely close. My mom and sister are a some of my best friends. It would be heartbreaking for me to spend my time away from them. I love living in the same house as them and being able to see them everyday. I also met my long term boyfriend in my sophomore year of high school. He is one of the most important people in my life and it would kill me to be away from him. Although I did not choose to commute solely because of him, it was definitely a plus that he was going to be commuting as well.
I am saving thousands and thousands of dollars not living on campus. Unlike my peers, my financial aid and scholarships cover most of my college expenses. By the time I'm graduated, I will have far less debt then anyone else I know. This is a huge plus. Because I commute to school, I also have the ability to work part time at a place I love. I am making money and also getting more and more experience in my field.
All and all, I enjoy commuting. I have many reasons to. I know not many people would choose to commute, but it's definitely the best option for me.