What Makes The University of Arizona the Greatest School in the Nation | The Odyssey Online
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What Makes The University of Arizona the Greatest School in the Nation

Forever grateful to be a Wildcat.

What Makes The University of Arizona the Greatest School in the Nation

Senior year of high school, college-bound students across the country are faced with a crucial decision: which university will they attend for the next four years of their lives? With so many options and countless factors to consider, deciding which university to attend is one of the first big decisions students will have to make. Choosing to go to the University of Arizona, which is across the country from my hometown, was a scary choice but the absolute best decision I have ever made.

1. The Weather.

Besides the few couple months that are brutally hot, Tucson, Arizona has amazing weather. It's almost always sunny and gets up to the 80s in January. Tucson's cold isn't really that cold, and you'll never have to worry about walking through campus in mounds of snow to get to class.

2. The Sports.

With awesome sports teams, the University of Arizona has incredibly fun games. Our student section, the ZonaZoo is always packed with fans with a tremendous amount of school spirit. Plus, our teams generally do pretty well.

3. The Extracurricular Activities.

There is literally something for anyone. The University of Arizona has tons of clubs, honoraries and other organizations that are easy to get involved in. With club fairs and the student stands all around campus, it is clear to see what the university offers and how to make yourself more involved.

4. The Greek Life.

The University of Arizona's Greek life is great, too. With tons of different sororities and fraternities to join, there is a wide variety of chapters to look into. Through the Greek life, numerous events take place during the year and are always a good time.

5. The Campus.

It's beautiful. There are palm trees everywhere with tons of pretty scenery, and the updated buildings are incredibly nice as well. The library is huge with multiple floors and tiny rooms you can rent out to study. Conveniently, there are also Starbucks everywhere and the student union is more like a mall food court than a college dining hall.

6. The Great Academic Reputation.

With a wide variety of majors and great programs, the University of Arizona excels academically, setting students up for a lifetime of success.

7. The Social Life.

The University of Arizona students know how to have a good time, you'll never be bored. You can almost always find something to do every night of the week.

8. The Town.

Tucson, commonly referred to as the Dirty T by the University of Arizona students, is a cool town to go to college in. With beautiful scenery, mountains to hike and a unique downtown, it really improves the college experience.

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