Statistically speaking, 1 in 10 individuals are attracted to the same-sex. During an era in which gender identities and sexual orientations are mostly understood and accepted, people would assume that accepting our identities to the ones we love and care deeply about would be a simple process. However, it is quite the opposite. Coming out to friends and most especially family was the hardest obstacle I had yet to face in my life, and I was fortunate enough to have a positive reaction. For many others, coming out can be an extremely painful process in which carries the risk of potential pain and rejection.
We have been raised in a society in which traditional values are met before moral principles. Therefore, it has been presumed that a man marries a woman and a woman marries a man. Therefore, a man should not have any attractiveness towards another man and visa-versa for women. This mindset makes it a difficult challenge for those finding their sexual identities because they are left only to believe their ways are unjust and unaccepted. It leaves them with the fear of rejection and most especially the fear of losing the ones they love and trust. Evidently, suicide and suicide attempts among LGBT youth are comparatively higher than their straight counterparts.
Another aspect that may carry a heavy toll on those coming out is the fear of religious beliefs and practices. Religions have basic principles and rules, per se, on what is right and wrong. Being that these scriptures were written in a simpler time, when many ideas were considered immoral, much of our modern practices contradict what was taught during this primitive era. We are all familiar with the saying, "times are changing," and there is much truth to this statement. For example, the bible states that if a woman were to have sex before her wedding day, she is to be taken to their father's house and stoned to death (Deuteronomy 22:21). Therefore, once again statistically speaking, 3% of Americans (male or female) wait to have sex until marriage. This means that those 97% that didn't should be taken to their fathers' homes and stoned to death according to this biblical passage (
Being raised Roman Catholic myself, this was a major roadblock that prevented me f from being true to myself, friends, and family. But for anyone who is worried about their religious pursuits based on their gender identities or sexual orientation, just remember that we are in a modern society that is beginning to become more accepting and understanding, and religion can not define who we truly are. And no, we are not going to hell (because I know that is the major fear that runs through everybodies minds when finding their sexual identity, if they are of religious affiliation that is...and even if we do, we will run the joint and show the devil whose truly boss! But really, we aren't going to hell. Don't fret).
Everyone is unique and copes with their situations differently. The struggles of societal standards and religion are not the only struggles that people face when discovering themselves. These just happen to be two of the struggles that a vast majority of individuals coming out face. A quote states, "change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable." We all have to learn to lead the life we want to lead and live life to the fullest.
Although it may be hard to accept reality through all the burdens life throws at us, we will not be able to appreciate what we are given until we can accept who we are as individuals. Remember, those who truly care about you and love you will never leave you, and for those who do...they are not worth it (I know it sounds harsh but I have learned it the hard way). You must remind yourself that you are your number one priority and it is okay to be selfish every once in a while and care for yourself.