If there is one thing I have learned so far in college, it is that everyone needs a LinkedIn. I mean now -- immediately. LinkedIn is a professional, business-oriented social platform where everyone can manage their professional identity.
Once the average college kid finishes school, and the long search for a job begins, their employer will be looking at different social media platforms like FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. We all are guilty of posting unflattering photos of ourselves on Facebook, or retweeting something on Twitter you found hilarious, but others may find immature. LinkedIn is the social platform where you can put your best foot forward. If this isn't the number one reason to convince you, let me point out five more!
1. LinkedIn gives you connections to job opportunities!
I have found three job opportunities that have gotten me closer to my professional goals with this fantastic social media platform.
2. LinkedIn lets you organize your quirks.
I have found that I can put any certifications, accomplishments, volunteer experiences, projects, and courses relevant to my career choices right on my profile. These are great for a starting professional to have listed because it gives the extra edge and allows you to talk about all those little quirks that can be used as a strength in an interview. Something you may think is a small factoid of yourself could be just what an employer is looking for.
3. LinkedIn lets you connect with other professionals or friends who are in the same professional field as you.
This allows you to make new connections, and those connections can give you recommendations, and can endorse your skills for other employers to see.
4. LinkedIn gives you a creative outlet.
You can comment on other professionals' posts, create your own posts, and build your own professional and personal brand.
5. LinkedIn lets you build your own professional identity.
You get firsthand information on different companies and organizations you'd want to work for. LinkedIn should be used to the fullest, and for us average college kids trying to become young professionals, it's a great way for us to break into our career fields and use our degree to its full potential and that is a beautiful thing!