As millions of American students start up college in fall of 2016, there will be a feeling around campus that only comes around during election years. Millions of millennials will be voting in their first major election this year, but at the same time, millions won't let their voice be heard. It's always the younger generation that chooses to remain silent and not vote, this year, we can hope it'll be different.
This year, the primary season was intense and a lot of hot blood boiled. Millions of millennials registered to vote for the candidate of their choice, more than ever before. That spirit must go on into the general election.
Today, as a college student starting his sophomore year, I call to all of you college student, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarian, Greens and everyone else in between, to make sure you go out there and vote. We are the future, literally, and it's time we start shaping the future and stop letting the old generation decide how our future country will look like.
If you sit at home, you have to accept the fact that the future you see might not be something you'll like. If you're sitting in your dorm room thinking, "my vote doesn't matter," I want you to realize this, there are about a million other students saying the exact same thing.
America was built to be a Democracy, but it can only be a Democracy if the people choose to interact in the political system. Vote, stay aware, read that news article, listen to every point of view from every political spectrum. Don't hide in a little corner and ignore the outside world.
This year, we have candidates like never-before seen: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein and a few other smaller ones throwing their cards in the mix. The 3rd party candidates are making their voices heard, and we are seeing America's true colors like never before and the people on every side are screaming as loud as they can.
It honestly doesn't matter what part of the political spectrum you fall in, as long as you're engaging in politics you can say that you fought for what you believed in. There will be millions of people who claim they support a candidate, but then never vote and never persuade others to vote. If you want your candidate to win, if you want to create a future that will work for you, your family, and your friends, get out there and show the world that your voice matters. Go to rallies, meet with people, be active on social media, listen to every viewpoint and, most importantly, in November, get out there and help build the future you want to live in.