First off, I should start by expressing my gratitude towards my own family. After all, family is the most important aspect of life. However, this year I am more grateful than I have been in the years past.
I am thankful for getting to sleep in my own bed for a week straight without interrupting slamming doors at various hours or rowdy college kids sprinting down the hall.
I am thankful that I get to unwind and watch Netflix for a week straight without questioning myself: Did I really study enough? Do I deserve to relax?
I am thankful that I do not have to shed any tears this week, because of my malicious grades. For the first time since this semester has started, I will not have any anguish towards myself for reviewing numerous hours just to pull a C- on a midterm.
I am thankful that I do not have to scrape together change to wash and dry my clothes.
I am thankful that this week 8 a.m.'s do not exist.
Most importantly: I am thankful for home-cooked meals.
Please, mentally prepare yourselves for the short future ahead. On Thursday, November 24, you all will see a side of me that I have masked for too long. Right now I am speaking for college students everywhere.
We do not care if you sit us at the "kids" table anymore. Do it.
You may think that I am above tripping a small child; but, I am here to tell you- I am not. Believe me when I say we will fight our seven-year-old cousins for Grandma's chicken and noodles.
College has truly changed me. If you think I have gained fifteen pounds from all the scrumptious food I have been enjoying, then I want you to know you are miserably mistaken. My clothes fit tighter because the stress that builds up and my constant anxiety. Cheeseburgers and Chinese food for every meal seem amazing until you literally eat it for breakfast lunch and supper for 16 weeks straight.
Sometimes I do not even eat. Am I trying to starve myself? No. In fact, most days I feel as if my stomach is literally eating its insides. Rather than waste my time venturing 10 minutes, I will lay in bed and think "Is the long walk to the dining hall really worth it?" Once I arrive, my first assumptions stand true-my appetite is gone, and it is pizza again.
Not to mention, we cannot use stoves in the dorms. So when the dining hall closes at 8 p.m., my only option is to warm up ramen noodles in the microwave and force myself to believe I enjoy them a little crunchy, or order take out; but, we all know that requires money which broke college students simply cannot afford.
I am sorry, but we don't come home to answer your endless questions that degrade us. For the love of all that is holy, skip the small talk. I've spent the last three months at school. The last thing I need is to recap the horrid memories of midterms and wearing the same pair of jeans three times a week because I do not have enough time or quarters to do laundry. The only major question you should consider asking is what is on our Christmas list.
Families, please, if there is a college student attending your thanksgiving dinner:
Feed Them First.
We deserve it.
To be honest, little Suzie Q would be sufficient with a Happy Meal. Don't you want all the labor you put into this delicious feast to be appreciated? I promise, college students everywhere will be more thankful than the mischievous children running around whining as they're forced to try the green bean casserole.
Aunts, Uncles, Cousins Once Removed, please when I'm standing at the front of the line for food with your little ones, don't judge me. I've judged myself enough for all of us this semester. I promise to be nice to your beloved children... as long as they do not get in the way between me and my home-cooked meal.
Hangry College Students