In college, most students are worried about one thing: "What will my future look like?" They stress and stress, and then stress some more. They focus on figuring out what their major should be, and once they narrow it down, how to get either their dream job or a job that will keep them financially stable.
In this mix comes resume building. It can be a tough task if you're extremely shy and have a fear of putting yourself out there, but, if you are willing to do go out on a limb, you can end up with some amazing things to add to your resume and some even more amazing experiences to add to your memories.
There is a reputation of organizations in college, and it's that they're only there for the sole purpose of building our resume to earn that well paying job. This is simply not true.
This past weekend, I attended a retreat for an organization I'm in called the Presidential Ambassadors. We are a group of qualified students who dedicate our time to serving our university (Northern Kentucky University) and doing things like giving tours, volunteering with various events throughout the year, and ultimately promoting the school.
Personally, I joined because I always wanted to be a tour guide and absolutely love helping prospective students. I'd also always wanted to be one of the people I'd always seen in the official polo helping out and doing things to aid whichever event. I got all of that, but there something else I got that I didn't quite expect from the organization: a family.
I've only recently joined the organization, in the spring semester of the 2015-16 school year, and was slowly becoming closer the people involved. I was seeing all the ways the organization had played a role in who they are and how much they loved it and cherished it. It had me excited for anything and everything that was to come. I grew closer to a few people on a post-semester Gatlinburg trip some of us went to. We had some trouble finding our cabin (funny looking back on it, definitely not at the time), but the next night, as we all sat around on the couches down stairs, most of us not knowing each other before this organization brought us together, making milkshakes by hand and talking about fruit, I realized that this was going to be more than just tours and volunteering.
At the retreat we did the normal bonding activities, but definitely had more fun than probably was normal. We talked about diversity and how we can be inclusive within the organization. We talked about how we are people of encouragement, support, and celebration rather than tolerance. We talked about our work, our selves, our struggles. We laughed, we cried, we hugged, and most of all: we loved. Unconditionally. There were people at the retreat I'd never held a conversation with before, and as we all said goodbye and collected our stuff, I'd felt like I'd known them much longer.
These people have taught me so much about love, acceptance, genuine kindness, and even life more than I could ever write into even 100 articles. I've only been a Presidential Ambassador for a very short time, but I already have such a strong support group with people I would have never met if I hadn't gone out on that limb to apply. They are giving me the confidence I've always needed to be who I really am, they are (as I said) loving me unconditionally, and they are teaching me so many amazing lessons. All while being a crazy family who happen to share the same amazing love for our University.
So to those who think organizations are just resume builders: I hope you see that it runs so much deeper in our lives.
To those wanting this experience: go out on a limb! Take that chance and talk to someone in the organization you're always wanting to be a part of. It could be one of the best decisions you'll ever make.
And lastly, to the PA's (Presidential Ambassadors): thank you. After my many confessions of love to you all, I'm sure reading this didn't surprise you. You guys are amazing and I can't wait for all that's to come! (Special thanks to our advisors for keeping our heads on our shoulders and our executive board for doing such amazing things for us.)