No matter where you go to college or even if you aren't here yet, maybe you can relate. My first semester of college has been interesting, to say the least. I ended up with a random roommate at first, then moved in with a close friend of mine. That is a whole story in itself. On the first day, I realized my classes were 10 minutes apart and on the other side of campus. I knew then, "yep this isn't going to work", but I was wrong. Here I am, end of the first semester and still going strong. It still feels unreal, how can I possibly be in college already? I thought for sure I would never be able to do this. The idea of college scared me, and still does sometimes. I always thought it would be a big place, with people I don't know, who are all becoming doctors. Sometimes, it is exactly like that. Other times, it is a place where there is so much happening you don't even know what to do, but in a good way.
There are so many groups to join, sports to play, and concerts to attend. I saw T-pain and Riff-Raff the first month here, it doesn't get much better than that. Other than that, it is also great because you discover so much about yourself. You might invest all your time in a major, just to find out you don't want to do that anymore. That sounds terrible, but hey you never know till you try. You might even get lucky and keep your major all the way to the end. College is like a quiz you take on buzzfeed. Then after you take it, it shows you who you are and what you want to do with your life. College is a big learning experience in and out of the classroom. You meet people that teach you so much, with them not even knowing. You make friends and maybe even lose some. At the end of the day, everything works out. You sometimes feel silly for freaking out in the first place. So, yes college is a big stressful period in your life (which is not good), but it all pays off. Considering I just started, I'm not 100% sure but I think it will. Ask me in 3 and a half years.