College can be 50 shades of crazy. Before entering college, I was comfortable. I knew who my friends were, where my classes were at, and what subjects I was good and of course not-so-good at. Freshman year of college was so terrifying I literally thought I would be eaten alive. Through the good times and the bad, college does indeed change your life, and here's why.
1. You get to pursue something you are truly interested in. Sure, you have to take electives and distribution courses, but once that all is done and out of the way, you are able to be in classes that are related to your field.
2. You meet so many new people, and make connections with not only your peers, but your professors as well.
3. You eventually learn how to time-manage your life. Without it, you'll be screwed.
4. You are able to live without your parents. You don't have to tell them where you are going throughout the day and you learn a whole new level of independence in the process.
5. You learn how to become a professional emailer. Whether it's emailing professors about grades, tests, or if you were confused in class, you learn how to send appropriate sounding emails.
6. You learn so much about yourself. Starting school is a huge step and when you graduate you have met so many different people and taken many different classes. You learn about yourself in the process throughout all of this.
7. You know what it's like to live on a budget. Money is spent on books, food, and of course other recreational things as needed. Nonetheless, you still learn to live a pretty frugal lifestyle.
8. Before, you hated being home. But, with having little income, a lot of classes, and finding time to socialize-- home?! Sign me up!
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