14 Reasons Why You Should Join College Band
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Student Life

14 Reasons Why You Should Join College Band

"It'll be the best worst experience of your life."

14 Reasons Why You Should Join College Band
Photo Courtesy of Ken Rubin

As the school year comes to a close, high school seniors around the country are graduating and preparing for college in the fall, something that, unfortunately, may include the retiring of many shakos. Before you decide to ditch the drillmasters or dinkles forever, though, consider these reasons to continue marching in a college band!

1. It's nothing like high school band

Sure, we'll miss the Friday night lights and the hometown parades, but nothing compares to the excitement of Saturday Game Days with a college band!

2. Early move-in

While cutting summer a little short for band camp might not sound ideal, it means moving in early and getting to pick which side of the room you want (suck it, roomie).

3. You'll meet tons of new people

At many schools, marching band is the only student organization that represents nearly every major offered on campus! You get to meet hundreds of new and different people through college band and will immediately find a place to belong. Joining band is the perfect way to easily transition into college life!

4. Great seats to every home football game

Not every school can guarantee it's students seats anywhere other than the nosebleeds, but with the band, you get a prime spot.

5. Traveling

Who else can say they've gotten to travel across the country with hundreds of their best friends?

6. You'll immediately have a social life

From forming your college squad to always having a place to go on weekend nights, band is the best place to find where you belong, especially at a big school...and band parties can be pretty lit...just sayin'.

7. The rush of performing

You're either soaked in more sweat than you knew your body could produce or shivering under four layers of clothes, but there's nothing like performing for tens of thousands of people in a huge stadium or getting hype for your team with some killer in-stands tunes and dances!

8. You can be yourself without judgement

I don't think there's anything more I can really say about this...

9. You'll learn to manage your time more efficiently

Band is definitely a time commitment, but it teaches it's members to be more responsible and to use time more wisely. Besides, there's still plenty of time to join other clubs and to keep up with school work, even if that means taking an occassional nap in the dining hall.

10. Mandatory exercise

Okay, so marching band isn't the most strenuous activity out there, but it does require some considerable effort! If you're not one for the gym (guilty), band forces you to get out and get active.

11. Life lessons and experience

Band teaches discipline, dedication, and determination. You learn to push through the hard parts of college, both on and off the field. From blistering heat during band camp and pouring rain on Game Day to all-nighters during midterms week and ten page papers due the same day as a major presentation, band teaches us to continue working hard and to never give up, despite all obstacles.

12. Academic benefits

At many schools, marching band is a credited class, meaning it's a great GPA booster! Further, all the leadership opportunities band presents offer amazing life experience and are the perfect addition to any resume!

13. Bomb profile pictures and cover photos

If you're looking for that fire Facebook profile picture to show your high school friends and family from across the country that you're killin' it in college, look no further!

14. School spirit

Band members are the only people who know the words to school songs and who stay for full games, but hey, it's more fun that way.

So when registering for your first semester of college class, make sure you sign up for marching band. Trust me, there's nothing better than being a bando!

Thank you to Ken Rubin, Mutt Meritt, and the Mighty Sound of Maryland (of the University of Maryland in College Park) for many of the amazing photos in this article! Go Terps!

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