Why Christmas is better in college | The Odyssey Online
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Why Christmas is better in college

You thought Christmas was the best time of the year when you were in elementary school, you obviously need to pay attention to this years Christmas.

Why Christmas is better in college

Not only do the BEST movies ever premiere during the holiday season, you get to watch them with your family...or maybe your college roommates, significant other, etc. 

I don't know how your mom is, but when it starts becoming the holiday season I still hear the same thing from my mom: "You need to start making your Christmas list for Santa". OK! So maybe Santa isn't as real as he used to be, but it sure puts me in the holiday spirit preparing myself for all of the festivities. Christmas is better in college because you get A MONTH off from school from the torture of finals the week right before. Christmas break is like icing on the cake because you can catch up on your sleep that you missed...I'm talking like a lot of sleep. 

You cherish Christmas in college so much more because if you are anything like me you don't have a lot of time to go home during the school year. With extracurriculars, organizations, sorority involvement, and a social life, it really puts my family and home on the back burner. The holiday season is made for spending time, catching up, telling old stories, and who doesn't love the gifts?

Okay, so maybe college presents are a lot different than the Barbie you really wanted or the life size action figure you HAD to have. You have to think more practical, it's kind of cool because you ask for the things you don't want to spend your own money on. Such as:

  • Silverware
  • Rent for one month
  • Groceries
  • Oh.. and more MONEY

Let's face it...

We are all poor college students (or so we think). In high school life was easy, you went to school played on your Varsity sports team and didn't have to lift a finger to put in work. Then the summer before your freshmen year your parents say you need to get a job, the joy ride is over. It's over, really over. So you begin work, you work almost everyday but still have time to hang out with friends. You pack up and leave for school then BOOM, you're broke. You really needed that pizza at 2 AM every Saturday for $14.95 (don't forget the tip), or you HAD to buy the dress you had to okay? You had no other option of saving that money. Life is over, your parents warned you to be smart with your money and you blew it! But oh wait, Christmas break is coming up and you can work. And you can ask for money from "Santa" and maybe ask for household items that you personally can't afford. But most importantly, you get to spend time with your family.

It's really awesome actually because when we are all growing up, we lose sight of how important our families truly are. They are the reason you are the way you are today. 

One thing, don't forget the food. Being home for Christmas means you can have home cooked meals not just for Christmas but for a whole month. You've been starving at school on a budget, out of meal swipes, and then your mom makes this killer meal almost every night. Then you start to ponder if you should just transfer home, drop out, and continue to eat her amazing food. Cherish it, it goes quick.

Moral to the story, Christmas is amazing at home especially when you're in college. You cherish the moments because you don't know how much longer you'll have those once you graduate and start out in the real world with a real job. So take advantage of the time, ask for dumb but useful gifts, and watch all of the Christmas movies played on TV. Do it!


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