One of the biggest controversial topics of our era, right behind same sex marriage, is abortion. For those of you who don't know, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. People have so many reasons as to why they believe that it is a woman's right to decide. Whether if it's because of rape, incest, danger to the mother's health, a deformed child, or just because someone doesn't want "it," people believe that a woman can legally terminate or abort their pregnancy up to 25 weeks.
I'm not here to criticize or judge you, if you believe in being Pro-Choice. I am just simply stating why, as a Christian, I am Pro-Life. Besides the point that Christians believe that you shouldn't murder someone, whether it a physically alive person or an unborn child, I believe that there is a bigger reason as to why I believe abortion should be illegal.
Yes, sometimes people are dealt bad hands and have to make a tough decision based on the state of their unborn child. I understand that some abortions are because of rape and incest and I agree that it is completely hard to continue with the pregnancy knowing that your child is the effect of so much physical and mental trauma. I understand wanting to abort your unborn child knowing the fact that he or she may not live after birth, if not being really deformed to begin with. I understand that a mother could lose her life if she continues with her pregnancy. All of these reasons are understandable and they are very sad and unsettling. Sometimes you just have to make a hard decision and I respect your bravery.
However, as a Christian, I believe that there is a purpose for any and everything. Have you ever heard the saying, "everything happens for a reason?" Well, here's that reason. For the past few weeks I have been studying on the purpose of life and what God created us for. First things first, God is just an incredible being and I am in awe of how amazing that He truly is. The sole reason, or first reason, that He created us to begin with, was because he wanted to love us. We weren't created to give something, we were created to receive something. Isn't that beautiful?
Where Pro-Life comes into play, is the purpose behind it. I have just recently heard the saying, "There may be accidental parents. But there are no accidental children." I think that, no matter the circumstance, when you get pregnant, it is God's gift to you. That child has a purpose, just like you did when your parents got pregnant with you. God specifically wanted to give you that child, the reasoning behind it doesn't matter. Legally, it is your decision whether or not to keep the unborn child. But in God's eyes, it is your calling to continue. The sanctity of life is just so precious.
I am Pro-Life because I believe that there is a purpose behind everything that happens to us, good or bad. I believe that if God gave you the gift of life, you shouldn't end it. If God wasn't ready for you to become pregnant, you wouldn't be. Sometimes you get dealt a crappy hand, but it is your decision how you choose to handle it. Always remember that God has a purpose for everything, and without knowing Him, you will never understand that.
Let God plan parenthood.