"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." -John F. Kennedy
Growing up every young child sits through history class, learning about each and every president probably picking out which president in history is a favorite. We sit through history class, knowing that one day we too will be able to vote on who our next president will be. We will get to take part in the choice that affects everyone in the United States, we can either make a good choice or a bad choice.
I turned 18 this year. Which means I get to vote on who I think should be president. Do I wish I had better options? Of course. But sometimes the options we have are the ones we happen to be stuck with. Every time I watched the news or read any kind of article about the presidential election this year, I feel a sense of sadness. Reading these articles kind of makes you think about who is going to be in control of our country in a matter of time. Some of us will vote for Hillary, some of us will vote for Donald. But tell me this, why would anyone be OK with voting for a woman who was under FBI investigation while campaigning for her presidency? It makes no sense to me how the same person that shows hatred towards President Obama can willingly vote for Hillary Clinton.
Now I've only been alive 18 years so far so all I know about all of the presidents of the United States is what I've learned in history class. I haven't been old enough to understand how much one president could ruin a country until now. There have been times where Obama has been a good president, and there have been other times that make me question how this country has managed to survive with him as president, but nothing will compare to what this country will probably face if Hillary becomes president.
People always ask my why I wouldn't want this country to have a woman president, they say I should want Hillary to be president because she is a woman. This is what I think, sure we should have a woman president. I don't see any reason why a woman could not be president, but if the woman president is Hillary Clinton then you best believe I don't want this country to have a woman president. Donald Trump is the way to go, although he may not be the best option and I really wish I had a different set of options completely, he is the best option this country has if we still want to call ourselves the greatest country on earth.
Donald Trump is rude, arrogant and hateful, but he also seems to know what he wants for our great country. If we elect Hillary as president, we will lose our pride and our sense of freedom. All we will gain is the spot in history for the first woman president in America, but what will that do for us? Will that give us a good commander in chief? A good leader who makes us feel safe in our own streets? Will it give us a leader who gives us a country we will be okay with raising our children in? No. I get that Donald is kind of scary when he talks of building a wall to keep out illegal Mexicans, I get that to some of you that is a little hurtful, but what you still don't get when you get so angry at him is the word illegal. He doesn't want to keep out legal Mexicans! He just wants to keep out illegal Mexicans that just so happen to be mooching off the hard working Americans and legal Mexicans in this country. I can't force you to vote for Donald, I can't stop you from voting for Hillary. All I can do is hope that we all make the decision that is right for this great country, and that my friends is Donald J. Trump. God bless you all, and let's all join forces to make America great again!