I come from a very small town. There is no delivery, because there are no stores close enough. My closest neighbor is three football fields away. All of the eggs I ate growing up came from my chickens. So, you could say coming to the city was a little bit of a culture shock.
I always wanted to live in the city in my life, I just did not know when. I figured college would be the perfect time because I do not have my own family to worry about and I can just live my life.
Living in the city in your 20's is something I suggest to everyone. You learn a lot about yourself and the world around you. More happens here, there is also more safety issues you have to be aware of. In the past three years, I have learned a lot of street smarts and also how to be aware of my surroundings, something I would not have learned if I had not moved to the city.
The city is a different world than the countryside. It takes some time to get used to and that is OK. There have been times where I have been so homesick all I wanted to do was go home and cuddle with my cat. That is OK.
Moving is exciting. The best memories of my life have all happened since I moved to Philadelphia. I have found my forever friends. I joined an amazing organization. I have found an immense passion for teaching inner city kids who may be more troubled and need individualized attention.
The biggest change was the fact that I actually have things I can do now. When I lived in the middle of no where, the only thing you can do is go to the movies, which gets old after a while. Here you can go shopping, explore the city, go to a random cafe, go catch a baseball game. It is literally endless the opportunities that the city can offer you.
I used to be scared of where I live in Philadelphia. I was scared of the residents who already called this city home. I felt like I was invading. What I came to learn is that I was not invading at all. All of the residents are so kind and welcoming. It really helped me to be able to call this place home.
Living in Philadelphia has changed my life. I love it. I love this city. Philadelphia will always have a place in my heart.