"Why I chose to become a teacher...", and an art teacher at that. When I tell people that I want to be an art teacher, there are those who try to convince me to be something different. "Why don't you do a BFA, instead of a BSE?" Some people scrunch up their face and say, "oh, so a teacher then?" I know what they're thinking. People think it's not worthwhile to teach students art. As if being an art teacher isn't a real teacher. As if being a teacher isn't a real job. People think what a waste and look at me like "a teacher...really?". They have that expression of "oh poor you". Don't they know that teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions? No profession can exist without having been taught by someone or influenced by someone.
See I know that in becoming a teacher, I am not going to get a lot of money. I know that. And it's fine by me. If I have the opportunity to go to college, I want to at least be going for something I am passionate for. I am currently majoring in Art Education and Special Education. Yes, it'll take me while. It's a major and minor choice that is incredibly challenging and involves living in the art studio. Actually, I'm writing this in the art studio right now (I'm telling you--I live here.) I chose to teach art because art has always been my passion. I chose Special Education because I have a younger brother with Autism. My brother means the world to me, and I want to be the teacher that treats students with disabilities with respect and kindness.
I guess I always knew that I wanted to be a teacher. You know when you're little, you get those assignments that ask you what you want to be when you're older and I always knew that I wanted to be an art teacher. But when the time came in senior year, for some reason I was hesitant. There were so many careers to choose from! The thing is, I knew exactly what I didn't want to do, not what I wanted to do. It came to a shock to me, because I always knew what I wanted to do. But after some time, I realized I couldn't see myself not doing art or helping others. When people ask me as a college student, and I say "teacher", it's true some people don't have to say anything, their facial expressions says it all. But I think it truly is meant to be when that doesn't affect you. When their doubts only push you further on and reaffirm your choice in career.
I believe that choosing this career will help me make a positive impact and help others which is something I know I must be doing in order to feel fulfilled in life. I want to help others see their potentials and lift others up. I want to see a positive change in society and what better way than to touch the young minds that are our future. In my classroom, I will embrace diversity. My hope is to one day teach in a school with students more in need. I know for sure I do not want to teach at a private school or anything. I want to teach the students lots of teachers turn their head at, ignore or even avoid.
Through the experience I have had in the classroom so far or individually with students, it fills my heart with joy when I see students with that spark in their eyes or the curious things they say, what their minds are capable of doing and to see the work they do. It's amazing! I think students should always be encouraged, and that their dreams are so precious. And so I understand that students aren't blank slates when they come into my classroom. I know they got worries in mind, and they won't be cheerful or willing to learn some days. I get that. I've been through it. As a teacher, I want to truly help my students. I want them to feel safe in my classroom. I went to a presentation once where the person told us that students no matter what age know when you're BS-ing them. That. is. so. true. How many times as a student have we felt fear in being who we truly are in class, or to even go up and ask the teacher a question? How many times have you felt that a teacher didn't believe in you or that they didn't even treat you with respect? I know for myself, I have had some racist teachers. Let me tell you that is not fun as a student--especially as a kid at that. I sure as hell do not want to be that kind of teacher. Students feel. I think there are some teachers out there that need to be reminded that. Students have emotions, they have brains, they have ears. They watch you're every move because they want to look up to you. They're all incredibly intelligent. I know for sure you remember the one teacher that helped and believed in you, and you know you'll always remember the teachers that didn't believe in you or treated you poorly.
And don't get me started on whether it's easy majoring in art because it is most definitely not--and I have been working with art since I was younger. It requires a lot of patience and diligence and time--especially with getting to know different mediums. One moment I am working with a torch, solder, and acid, and then the next moment I am working with wheels, clay and engobe. It's an up and down roller coaster in trying to master all kinds of mediums and knowing the terminology in so many fields and knowing how to use certain machines with precision because you don't want things to explode or acid to itch on your skin.
But it's all worth it. I love expanding my knowledge on something I am so passionate for and especially knowing that I will be passing down this knowledge onto students. I can't wait to be an art teacher and being able to help students with special needs. I want to be a teacher, and I wouldn't want it any other way.