Every single morning I push open a door and walk into a school I love. I'm never the least bit concerned about how I look or how others will perceive me, because I know that I am accepted. I love where I go to school, and have no regrets about choosing to attend an all girls high school. Often times others will ask me why I chose to opt out of co-ed high school. I've always responded by simply stating "it just felt like the right choice", until recently. I've been trying to determine what attracted me to the idea of single gender education, and I came up with three reasons:
#1.) I yearn to be different and I knew that I would have a unique experience at an all girls school. In my opinion, it's crucial to figure out who you are in high school before flying out of the nest and being on your own. The all girls high school I attend helps me figure out who I am as a person and what kind of person I want to be.
#2.) I am a strong advocate for single gender education because I fully believe that girls learn better around girls and boys learn better around boys. The environment of an all girls school is a lot different than that of a co-ed school. Also, my classmates are more than just 75 girls I go to school with, they are my best friends.
#3.) Going to an all girls school has instilled a confidence in me and has shown me that I am a strong, powerful woman who can change the world.
Education is a crucial chapter of everyone's childhood, and I am extremely grateful that I have the wonderful opportunity to attend an all girls high school. My advice to you readers: don't be afraid to sway away from the societal norm, often times the best life experiences are when you embrace what will make you happy.