Why I Chose The University Of Kentucky | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Chose The University Of Kentucky

There are many colleges in the Commonwealth, but UK dominates them all.

Why I Chose The University Of Kentucky
University of Kentucky

Choosing a college was one of the most stressful and aggravating ordeals of my life so far. For most of my senior year I constantly worked on the godforsaken Common App, wrote essays, paid fees, kept up with deadlines. By the time I received all my admissions decisions I had grown to despise the college application system with a fervor that transcended all human understanding.

Out of that gauntlet, however, came the joy of finally finding my home for the next four years: the University of Kentucky.

Several college options were open to me, but as time went on through senior year it became clear that the Flagship was the right place for me; with the start of freshman year looming like the Yellow Brick Road on the horizon, I am filled with excitement and gratitude for my future at UK. Here's why:

1. The Resources

UK brings in students from all 50 states and all across the globe, more than 100 National Merit and National Hispanic Scholar Finalists and more than 400 Kentucky Governor's Scholars per year; it boasts some of the top ranked departments in the nation, especially in business, nursing, public affairs, engineering and pharmacy. UK's Patterson School of Diplomacy is ranked in the top 20 in the nation. The prestigious Honors Program yields a very selective acceptance rate of around 25 percent. The William T Young Library boasts the largest book endowment of any public university in the nation, with 1.2 million volumes available. And with an endowment of roughly 1.2 billion dollars, the University is fully equipped to uphold and expand its programs' and students' standards for success.

2. Lexington

Lexington is one of the most impressive up-and-coming cities in America, unique in that it combines metropolitan diversity and opportunities with more small-town accessibility and hospitality. In 2015 alone, Lexington has received distinction as the #8 Best Large City to Live In by Wallet Hub, the #16 Best Place for Businesses and Careers by Forbes and the #6 Most Inspiring City for Young Adults by World Wide Learn, among others. The city's economic and artistic boom, combined with its storied political and horseracing history and proximity to Louisville and Cincinnati, make it one heck of an accomadating place to live as a young student.

3. State Pride

There is a certain pride I have in attending the Commonwealth's flagship university. I am proud to be a Kentuckian and I am proud to attend the educational jewel of the whole of Kentucky, a land of great geographical, ideological, artistic and cultural bounty. I am excited to learn alongside so many other bright Kentuckians and I yearn to work for the betterment of my state.

4. The Legacy

The University of Kentucky has produced wildly successful figures in multiple fields: actress Ashley Judd, Wilco drummer Glenn Kotche, Happy Chandler (Commissioner of Major League Baseball), Nobel Prize winner Thomas Hunt Morgan, Pulitzer Prize winner Michael York, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Academy Award winners Stephen Gaghan and Henry Ausman, plus the countless number of NBA players who have dominated on the court. To walk the same halls and paths as these greats is humbling and inspiring. Their success reminds me that I too can reach greatness through hard work (and some help from the University of Kentucky).

5. The Sports

UK is already on another level of college sports just for being in the SEC. It is a known fact that SEC football is more exciting than the NFL. Plus, it's obvious that UK's football team is going to win the SEC Championship this year, guaranteed. Of course, UK men's and women's basketball almost doesn't need mentioning, except when you want to boast to your friend that goes to WKU that your school has the greatest men's basketball team in the whole history of college. UK doesn't just ball hard on the court - the Wildcats also excel in baseball, soccer, volleyball, track and field, polo, underwater basket weaving, Connect Four and Tetris. UK's athletic prowess is yet another source of pride to add to the University's resume.

The University of Kentucky already excels and continues to rise through the ranks of America's colleges. Soon it will be the premier public university in the whole southeast, if not the galaxy. I am proud that I chose to attend the Blue and White and cannot wait for the school year, and the next phase of my rise to unfathomable scholarly excellence, to begin.

If you're a high schooler reading this, I hope you consider attending the University of Kentucky.

Just for God's sake, please don't go to Louisville.

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