Over spring break, students will often leave campus for fancy trips or go home and spend time with their family. I encourage both of these, but this year, I stayed behind in Richmond to work full-time at my job. Here are six reasons this is a good idea to consider next year for spring break.
1. Instead of spending money, you get to make money.
2. You (sometimes) get the apartment to yourself if your roommates leave for spring break.
3. You can play music as loud as you want.
4. You don't have to worry about people judging you for not having a beach bod.
5. You don't have to get up early to get to church with your parents or make that 8am spa reservation.
6. When you're not at work, you can do schoolwork early so you won't be as stressed to do it after spring break.
With this being said, I did end up going home for the weekend after spring break and it was great to see family I hadn't seen for a while. Don't miss out on spending time with family if you need that just so you can make a few extra bucks over spring break. It's all about balance!