I am asked probably every day what I will be majoring in due to being a graduating high school senior. The moment I say 'Biology' I get comments like; "Wow, that is brave," "Do you want to sleep at all in college," and, "Good luck, you'll need it!" All of these comments are completely fine and understandable. So, if you are wondering WHY I am so crazy, here it is.
1. It interests me
Well this is a given right? Wrong. People go into generic fields all the time because it provides more money. I am in it for the love of the content and knowledge. Go into what you wish because you have a passion! You will be so much happier. There are people going into nursing that are meant to write novels. People going into business that are meant to be teachers. The easy route is not always the one you should be taking.
2. I have experiences
I specifically want to learn about genetics and what goes wrong in the body that causes diseases, to ultimately cure those diseases. I have had three grandparents pass away each from different issues where their body was attacking them in ways more than old age does. Why not give those people an extra ten years? The people with cancer, MS, autoimmune disorders, and the list goes on; a shot at a longer life? That is my goal. It is not for everyone but it is for me and I am beyond stoked to leave my footprint on this earth. Not for me but for all of those families needing a cure.
3. Someone has to
Now, I am not saying I am going into Biology because there are open spots for the job and it needs to get done, though that is true. As I explained in my introduction, everyone I talk to sounds appalled by the idea of going into such a demanding field. Well if they don't, someone must. We need the garbage (wo)man, mail (wo)man, people that make light bulbs, windows, paperclips. We need the people that tell us the weather, perform the surgeries, count the number of pills that go into the bottle, monitor puppies at a shelter. Each person has an important and specific role. We need cures and information.
Few want to go into a major like Biology yet, someone has to, and that person is me. Gladly. It sounds idiotic to the majority but I am the minority that is jumping for joy for the sleepless nights and the loss of my sanity because I will love it and it will be so worth it.