I'm not single because I can't find someone to be with. I am choosing to reserve time for myself for the time being. I am choosing my own happiness for once, and I believe that is something that is really important. I've always heard the saying, "no one can make you happier than yourself" and this is completely true. I am in charge of myself and don't need my happiness to revolve around how happy another person is.
I'm not saying that I will turn down a great guy once I find one, but for the time being I don't know where that guy is and I think it's time for me to focus on me.
I shouldn't have to accept less than what I deserve and just settle with someone cause they check out some of the boxes. It's important to have someone you can connect with, someone you can be yourself around, someone you can do everything and nothing with and it will all be just fine.
I don't need the approval of others to finally feel as though what I am doing is right. We can't satisfy everyone. There will always be people that won't like what you're doing, but if it makes you happy you shouldn't have to stop just to satisfy them.
No one should ever feel like they aren't valued, and should never feel as though the one person they want to run to is the one that judges them the most.
It's important to have someone love the different flaws we all have just as much as they love the things they consider "perfect". To be with someone, they must be accepting and have trust in one another. Don't allow yourself to be ripped apart just to help someone else feel whole. You are important too and deserve to be treated with the respect you deserve.
I can tell when someone wants me for me or for my curves, and quite frankly I will always choose to be appreciated for who I am. I don't want the person who will always say that I am "hot" or "exotic". I want the person who will say that I intrigue them. I want the person who says that I challenge them in a good way and that they can see the real me and they actually like it.
Until I truly find someone I can really see myself with. Someone that I can have that connection and that continues to arouse my interests, I will continue to choose to date myself.
As Oscar Wilde once said "I think it's very healthy to spend time alone. You need to know how to be alone and not be defined by another person." We are all separate humans. Although "two become one" can be a thing, we can't fully lose who we are just to be in a relationship. Everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and views, we shouldn't have to change our morals because someone sees things differently.
I know the things that make me happy and the things that satisfy me.
I don't need expensive dates to feel loved, I need a deep conversation to feel that love.
I can take myself to dinner, and can travel the world by myself or even with friends. I don't need a guy to do these things for me.
I have people who do support me. I have a number of people in my family and many friends that I know I can always turn to and do adventurous things with. Yes, I am alone because I am single but I am far from lonely. I know I do have people around me.
Dating myself just means that I don't have to rely on someone else to truly enjoy the little things in life. Why must I change myself and not be myself just to make another happy? How can anyone really love me, if I can't love me? I can't be someone different just to be with someone. I need to be me and have someone love me for that.
I'm perfectly fine with being my own company. I'm perfectly fine with having wine dates by myself. I'm perfectly fine with dancing around the room to music alone.
I reserve this time to find me. To enjoy things at this stage in my life. To take myself on weekend getaways. To find love in myself before I try to make someone find it in me.
I'm more than fine dating myself. I will stay true to me. I will continue to find all of the joys in life and not take life for granted.
Once you really find yourself and can know what you truly enjoy or what makes you happy, you will then be able to find that relationship that makes you just as happy. Someone will come into your life that will treat you like you treat you, and that is the greatest feeling ever.
So, try it. Date yourself for once. Love yourself more day-by-day and find out what it is that can truly make you happy. Don't allow yourself to be defined by anyone else or their expectations of perfect. You are perfect the way you are, and when you learn to love yourself someone else will love that same exact part of you that you appreciate.