Now, before I begin, I want to express that I may not know every bit of information in The Bible, BUT I try to every chance I get. And to me, I think both Jesus and His Father would enjoy the fact of my desire to get to know them more and more. I've never met him but I know him. I've never seen him but I know what He looks like. It's not about flashing your beliefs on people but living the new life God has given us with the help from Jesus. I so desperately wish I was present in those days to see His work physically in front of me; but, then I think about all the people and miracles I see today. Surrounding myself with those who Jesus shines through is an incredible miracle in itself.
How cool is it that there was someone on this earth that we stand on today that gave their life for our sins?! I just can't wrap my head around the sacrifice and love that Jesus gave us. God gave us the best gift we'd ever receive and that was the birth of our Savior. How much more of a loving gesture can we ask for?
Sometimes, I feel like what goes on in our world is because people don't strive to live like Jesus. We reject the idea of miracles because words can't describe them enough to put them on paper. But that's our problem. We shouldn't have to fight against nor look down upon those who haven't met Him yet. Because at the end of the day, God will welcome His children with open arms when He knows their soul is ready. Some happen sooner than later. Living a servant's life of showing the grace He has given you may influence others to follow suit. You'd be amazed by the amount of people who will open up to you about their questions regarding the Lord when they know that you are bold in your own faith.
For me, the love of God comes through in every situation that occurs. When something bad happens - 'alright, it's just because something is better is to come.' When something sad happens - 'how awesome and blessed I was to have something mean so much to me.' When a relationship doesn't work out at the moment - 'Be patient because what is meant to be, will be no matter what happens.' When you get what you've prayed for - 'Yes! He's been listening'. The list could go on and on. You just have to let yourself have faith in knowing the ONLY one who has your heart is the Man Upstairs. Whenever you fully believe that, the more peace comes over you. You no longer care as much when earthly desires don't really work out because the main goal is to be able to stand in front of God one day and have Him proud of the way you lived your earthly life.
So the last bit of advice to someone who isn't sure about devoting their life to someone you can't physically touch, open up The Bible and touch Jesus by reading the words on the page. Then watch your life transform into a confident, loving, and worthy relationship with someone who yearns to know you and love you. Just as you are.