You and so many others probably hear something about the current nonexistence of chivalry on a weekly basis. Girls complain that guys do not take girls out on dates and only want to get in their pants. There are men out there that maintain those priorities, but, not all men are alike and are looking to use women as objects. So why is chivalry dead, you may be asking? Well, I'm here to defend the decent men of the world against all of the naysayers.
Chivalry is indeed dead. It is a lost art; a memory to the romantics. Like most things in life nothing lasts forever. However, some things can be resurrected. Currently, chivalry is buried underground with no intentions of rising through the dirt like a flesh-hungry zombie. However, there is still hope; a minute light at the end of the tunnel. But it is going to take some effort to revive it and not just from the men in the world.
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Let us take a look at what exactly killed chivalry. Chivalry died somewhere between the point that men started to prioritize sex and women stopped appreciating chivalrous acts. Sex is indeed a primal instinct but it should never replace the importance of a true connection with one of the opposite sex. On the other hand, women became increasingly less appreciative and justified their actions by blaming men for their lack of chivalry. Both sexes are guilty of murdering chivalry, but it needs to be made known that the women had the upper hand in the homicide. I have noticed through past experiences and outside observations that women are not as appreciative as they used to be. They go out to bars and asks guys to buy them drinks only to walk away within seconds. This process continues until they get drunk on the money of the sorry losers duped by those sweet words and adorable smiles. I have been that guy before and I have stopped buying drinks for any girl that is a stranger. I know how the game works and I'm not looking to fund anymore BACs. Furthermore, "thank you" has seemed to slowly disappear from today's society. People are forgetting the golden rules and manners. I actually have taken girls out to dinner and not once did I ever hear a thank you or any source of appreciation. "Yeah you're welcome for that free meal you just received!" All I ever wanted was a simple thank you.
TIP: To all you girls who have maintained your classiness, try paying for the check on your next date. The man will be thoroughly impressed and pay for the bill anyways. However, you just became increasingly attractive in his eyes and also took one step towards reviving chivalry. Girls have more stock in the existence of chivalry then they may believe.
Chivalry may be dead, but it is feasible that it can be reestablished in our modern society of "Netflix and Chill" and Tinder hook-ups! Good guys who still want to wine and dine girls do exist. However, it is going to take a small culture change within the female race to change things. I know not all women have been disrespectful and contributed to the death of chivalry, but it is time for them to pick up the slack of the others. I want to see chivalry high and mighty again riding a majestic steed. So, let's grab some shovels and turn the dating culture of our generation into something we can take pride in. Say hello to romantic dates, random acts of appreciation and an overall alteration of how we value romantic relationships.
"We take so many of our freedoms for granted nowadays -- I can travel where I like, I can do any job I want - but I think chivalry has been lost a little bit."
- Michelle Dockery