Since coming home from school in May, a lot of things have changed in my life. I decided that college right away is not the best, my boyfriend and I broke up, and I got promoted. While, needless to say, it has been hard, I wouldn't ask for it to have ended any other way.
Soaring out of your home right after high school and going 8 hours away to school is HARD. People were always amazed when I told them that I was going to school in the U.P because 1.) it was cold as hell and 2.) it was so far away. I am grateful for being able to go away to college right away, don't get me wrong, but being away from family and friends is extremely difficult from someone that comes from a close knit family.
I learned about myself, though, during that time away and found my own independence. I found out what I liked and disliked, my habits (both good and bad) and how to be independent.
My boyfriend and I were going strong for almost two years - while I still have not publicly admitted to many that we have broken-up, it still is official. It hurts, a lot, but as time goes on I realize that it was the right thing to do.
We are better off as friends and still are really close. We are still continuing to help each other grow and become our better selves but not having that same romantic connection is going to be something we both have to work on.
And lastly, my promotion. This was the holy grail of all things good in my life. I have been working at my wonderful job for 4 years now and I'm oh so grateful for every second of it.
Becoming a coordinator was a big responsibility and step in my life. As someone who never was given the chance to prove herself, and having a wonderful boss who DID, it felt so relieving to know that someone trusts me with a job. This job has helped me grow to be more confident, disciplined, and know that I'm a wonderful person inside and out.
So, to those struggling with a major change in their lives, take a step back and just look at the new things in your life. New job, new relationship, new car, new life - it doesn't matter what it is, just know that while it might seem hectic at first, everything works out in the end.